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Die Phosphatmobilität im Hochmoorboden in Abhängigkeit von der Düngung
Authors:H. Kuntze  B. Scheffer
Abstract:Phosphate mobility in relation to fertilizing effects in raised-bog peat The phosphate solubility of raised-bog peat soils is very different from the phosphate solubility of mineral soils. Compared to mineral soils the losses of phosphates by leaching are 10 to 20 times higher. This mobility of phosphates is destined by the quantity, kind and time of fertilizing, land use (grassland or arable land) and fertilizing technique. Field and lysimeter trials with raised-bog peat soils show: 1. Water soluble phosphates are quickly translocated and leached. 2. Water insoluble phosphates are quickly solved and leached in raised-bog peat soils. The mobility of the phosphates decreases with increasing pH-value of the top soil and topdressing. At a pH-value of 4,O nearly 80% of Thomasphosphat and nearly 70% of Hyperphos phosphates are leached in lysimeter trials; at pH-value of 4 3 only 17 % of Thomasphosphat and 15 % of Hyperphos phosphates are leached. 3. To minimize leaching losses phosphate fertilizingin spring is recommended to reduce the phosphate leaching. 4. The phosphate leaching in grassland is twice or thrice less than in arable land.
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