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早春白萝卜新品种潍萝卜4 号的选育
引用本文:韩太利,徐立功,杨晓东,谭金霞,宋银行,陈 霞,张 琳. 早春白萝卜新品种潍萝卜4 号的选育[J]. 中国蔬菜, 2013, 1(20): 93-95
作者姓名:韩太利  徐立功  杨晓东  谭金霞  宋银行  陈 霞  张 琳
作者单位:山东省潍坊市农业科学院,山东潍坊 261071
基金项目:国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系建设专项资助(CARS-25-37),山东省良种工程重大课题〔鲁科农字(2012)213 号〕
摘    要:潍萝卜4 号是以白萝卜雄性不育系VMS08-162 为母本, 以晚抽薹白萝卜自交不亲和系
VL03-163 为父本配制而成的早春白萝卜一代杂种。株高50 cm 左右,叶簇半直立,叶色深绿,羽状裂叶,
单株叶片数14~16 片。肉质根圆柱形,纵径32~36 cm,横径6~8 cm,2/5 入土,表皮光滑,尾根细小,
须根少,白皮白肉,肉质细嫩,口感脆嫩,风味好。单株肉质根质量1 kg 左右,根叶比为3。生长期60 d
(天)左右,每667 m2 种植4 000 株左右,平均每667m2 产量为6 000~7 000 kg。适合在全国各地种植白

关 键 词:早春白萝卜  潍萝卜4 号  一代杂种  

A New Early Spring White Radish F1 Hybrid —‘Weiluobo No.4’
HAN Tai-Li,XU Li-Gong,YANG Xiao-Dong,TAN Jin-Xia,SONG Yin-Xing,CHEN  Xia,ZHANG  Lin. A New Early Spring White Radish F1 Hybrid —‘Weiluobo No.4’[J]. China Vegetables, 2013, 1(20): 93-95
Authors:HAN Tai-Li  XU Li-Gong  YANG Xiao-Dong  TAN Jin-Xia  SONG Yin-Xing  CHEN  Xia  ZHANG  Lin
Affiliation:Weifang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Weifang 261071, Shandong, China
Abstract:Weiluobo No.4’ is an early spring white radish F1 hybrid bred by crossing male sterile
line VMS08-162 as female parent and self-incompatible line of late bloting white radish VL03-163 as
male parent.Its height is about 50 cm.Its pinnate leaf cluster is semi-uprush.The leaf color is deep
green and the number of leaf blades per plant is 14-16.Its fleshy root is columnar in shape,32-36 cm
in length and 6-8 cm in diameter.Underground portion of fleshy root is about 40%.The fleshy root has
smooth rind,tiny tail head,with less fibrous,white flesh and white peel,with tender,crisp taste and
good flavor.The single fleshy root weight is about 1 kg,and the root/leaf ratio is 3.Its growth period
is about 60 days. The planting density in 667 m2 is about 4 000 plants,and the average yield is 90-105
t·hm-2.It is suitable to be cultivated in spring in white radish grow ing areas all over the country.
Keywords:Early spring white radish  ‘Weiluobo No.4’  F1 hybrid  
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