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Characterization of virulence plasmid types in Rhodococcus equi isolates from foals,pigs, humans and soil in Hungary
Authors:Makrai L  Takai S  Tamura M  Tsukamoto A  Sekimoto R  Sasaki Y  Kakuda T  Tsubaki S  Varga J  Fodor L  Solymosi N  Major A
Affiliation:Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University, Hungária Krt. 23-25, 1143, Budapest, Hungary. makrai@novell.vmri.hu
Abstract:Rhodococcus equi isolates (204) obtained from foals (lung abscesses, lymph nodes, nasal discharge, rectal swabs) bred in 15 studs located throughout Hungary, isolates from soil samples, lymph nodes of pigs and from lesions of human patients were examined to determine genotypic diversity of virulence-associated plasmids. Isolates were tested for the presence of 15-17 kDa virulence-associated protein antigen (VapA) and 20k Da (VapB) genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Plasmid DNAs were isolated and analysed by digestion with restriction endonucleases for estimation of size and comparison of polymorphisms. Of 146 clinical isolates from foals in 15 studs, 129 (88.3%) gave positive results for the VapA gene, showing a 564 bp product of the expected size in the PCR amplification. Of the 129 clinical isolates from foals, 123 contained an 85 kb type I plasmid and the remaining six contained an 87 kb type I plasmid. Of 48 soil isolates from two horse studs, 26 (54.2%) were positive for VapA gene and contained an 85 kb type I plasmid. Of three pig isolates, one was positive for VapA gene and contained an 85 kb type I plasmid, and the remaining two were positive for the VapB gene, showing a 827 bp product of the expected size in the PCR amplification and were R. equi of intermediate virulence which contained a 95 kb type S5 plasmid. Of the seven human isolates, five were positive for VapB gene by PCR, these were R. equi of intermediate virulence, which contained a 95 kb type S5 plasmid. These results revealed that virulent R. equi strains harbouring a virulence plasmid of 85 kb type I or 87 kb type I, which have been found in clinical isolates from Europe and North and South America, are widespread in Hungary. Furthermore, same intermediately virulence plasmid type was found in both human and pig isolates.
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