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引用本文:钱国平 李康安. 安徽茶园土壤的理化性状及合理耕作施肥[J]. 安徽农业科学, 1992, 20(4): 368-372
作者姓名:钱国平 李康安
摘    要:安徽茶园土壤的母土类型主要有黄红壤、黄壤、棕红壤和黄棕壤。1、黄红壤、黄壤型茶园粗骨特征明显,土壤PH4.1—5.0,盐基饱和度小于40%,交换性铝4.00—9.00厘摩尔(+)/千克土,呈酸化趋势。应等高种植和施用生理酸性肥料。2、棕红壤型茶园质地粘重,物理性状差,雨季土壤滞水严重,土壤PH4.7—5.9,盐基饱和度多小于40%,交换性铝3.6—6.0厘摩尔(+)/千克土。应开好田间三沟,消除雨季积水,施用生理酸性、中性肥料和深耕。3、黄棕壤型茶园粗骨特征强,质地轻,固水保土作用弱,土壤PH5.5—6.5,盐基饱和度30%—50%,交换性钙2.30—40.00厘摩尔(+)/千克土,交换性铝0.28—3.42厘摩尔(+)/千克土。应实行等高梯地种植和施用生理酸性肥料。三类茶园土壤的有机质、全氮及速效磷钾缺乏,有效硼、钼不足,可通过种植绿肥,增施有机肥和平衡施用化肥进行改良。

关 键 词:安徽  茶园  土壤  理化性状  耕作施肥

Physical & Chemical Properties of Tea Field Soils & Adequate Cultivation & Fertilization in Anhui Province.
Qian Guopin. Physical & Chemical Properties of Tea Field Soils & Adequate Cultivation & Fertilization in Anhui Province.[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 1992, 20(4): 368-372
Authors:Qian Guopin
Abstract:The parent-soil types of tea field soil are mainly yellowish-red earth, yellow earth, brownish-red earth and yellowish-brown earth in Anhui Province. The physical & chemical properties & cultivated techniques are as follows: 1、Both the yellowish-red tea soil and the yellow tea soil are gravelly. The pH of the soils spans between 4.1~5.0, the base saturation is lower than 40%,the exchangeable Al~(3+)ranges between 4.00~9.00 cmol(+)Kg~(-1) soil, the tendency of soil acidification is obvious. It should be cultivated according to contour line, fertilizer of alkalinity of physiology should be applied in such tea soil. 2、the texture is clay, the physical characteristics is not good in the brown -red soil of tea plantation. The water catchment of the soil is strong during rainy seasons, The pH of the soil spans between 4.7~5.9,the base saturation is generally lower than 40%, the exchangeable AL(3+)ranges between 3.60~6.00cmol(+)kg~(-1)soil. It slould be dug out ditches to drain water during rainy seasons, Fertilizer of acidity and neutrality of physiology is applied in such tea soil ,it should be ploughed deeply. 3、 The content of grarel and sand is high in the yellowish-brown soil of tea garden,the texture of soil is light,the capacity of holding soil and water is weak. The pH of the soil spans between 5.5~6.5, the base saturation ranges between 30~50%, the exchangeable Ca~(2+)ranges between 2.30~4.00 cmol(+)kg~(-1)soil,the exchangeable Al~(3+)ranges between 0.28~3.42 cmol(+) kg~(-1)soil. It should be cultivated in the way of terrace-shaped, Ferti-lizer of acidity of plysiology is applied in such tea soil, the organic matter, total nitrogen (N), readily available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) of soil is shortage, the evailable boron (B) and molybdenum (Mo) of soil is not enough in all the three kinds of soil. They would be improved by plonting green manure, applying organic manure and balanced fertilization.
Keywords:Tea plantation soil   Physical and chemical properties   Cultivation and fertilization   Anhui Province
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