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Food habits and selective grazing of Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) in Hulunber Grassland
作者姓名:李俊生  吴建平  姜兆文
作者单位:Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 1 50040,P. R. China
摘    要:IntroductionMongoliangazelle(PrOCSPraguttuross)isaspecialruminantspeciesthathasnumerouspopulationsintheeasternpaFtofNetMonggolGrasslandandasignificantcomponentofthegrasslandecosystem.Thisspecieshasthehabittoselectspeciesandqualityofplantstograze.However,thepopulationhasdecreaseddramaticallyandfacesextinctioninChina(JiangetSI.1998).Therefore,itisveryimportanttostudythefoodhabitsandfoodchoicebyMongoliangazelleforpromotingtheprotectionandmanagementofremainingpopulation.Inapreviouspaper(Gao…

Food habits and selective grazing of Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) in Hulunber Grassland
Li Junsheng,Wu Jianping,Jiang Zhaowen.Food habits and selective grazing of Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) in Hulunber Grassland[J].Journal of Forestry Research,1999,10(3).
Authors:Li Junsheng  Wu Jianping  Jiang Zhaowen
Abstract:The food availability, composition of the diets and selective grazing of the Mongolian gazelle (Procapragutturosa) were studied in Hulunber Grassland in Net Monggol. The food availability of Mongofian gazelle showedseasonal changes. The plant biomass was higher in spring and summer than that in autumn and winter. The fecalcompositions of the gazelle demonstrated that fibrous parts occupied 62.4o/o, 74.8o/o, and 66. 0% in spring, autumn,and winter, respectively. The Mongolian gazelle preferred to graze Compositeae, Legumjnosse, Allium spp. andother forbs in spring and autumn, while the grasses, such as AneurolepidiUffi Chinense and Stipa spp. were selectively feeding in winter.
Keywords:Procapra gutturosa  Food availability  Food habits  Selective grazing
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