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引用本文:王玉梅,赵春容,黄敏,单双吕,张恒栋,周雪峰,邹应斌. 基本苗配置与施肥水平对印刷播种机插杂交稻产量和干物质生产的影响[J]. 中国稻米, 2017, 0(4): 89-93. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2017.04.017
作者姓名:王玉梅  赵春容  黄敏  单双吕  张恒栋  周雪峰  邹应斌
摘    要:为了探究湖南地区机插杂交稻在不同基本苗配置与施肥量下的产量与干物质生产表现,2016年在湖南宁乡以杂交稻品种隆两优1212和隆两优华占为材料,进行了大田试验。试验设置了3个施肥水平(500、900、1400kg/hm~2)和4个基本苗组合(28.6万丛/hm~2+单本/丛、23.5万丛/hm~2+单本/丛、23.5万丛/hm~2+双本/丛、19.0万丛/hm~2+双本/丛)。试验结果表明,施肥量对产量的影响显著,基本苗配置以及基本苗配置与施肥量的互作对产量影响不显著。随着施肥量的增加,产量和干物质生产显著增加,氮素籽粒生产效率和氮肥偏生产力显著下降。综合考虑产量与成本,900~1 400 kg/hm~2施肥量与23.5~28.6万丛/hm~2+单本/丛的基本苗配置比较适合湖南地区杂交稻机插秧的发展。

关 键 词:水稻  基本苗  施肥  产量  干物质生产

Effects of Basic Seedling Components and Fertilizer Application Rates on Yield and Dry Matter Production of Machine-transplanted Hybrid Rice
WANG Yumei,ZHAO Chunrong,HUANG Min,SHAN Shuanglv,ZHANG Hengdong,ZHOU Xuefeng,ZOU YingBin. Effects of Basic Seedling Components and Fertilizer Application Rates on Yield and Dry Matter Production of Machine-transplanted Hybrid Rice[J]. China Rice, 2017, 0(4): 89-93. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2017.04.017
Authors:WANG Yumei  ZHAO Chunrong  HUANG Min  SHAN Shuanglv  ZHANG Hengdong  ZHOU Xuefeng  ZOU YingBin
Abstract:In order to explore the effects of different seedlings combination and fertilizer application on yield and dry matter produc-tion of machine-transplanted hybrid rice, a field experiment was conducted with Longliangyou 1212 and Longliangyou huazhang as materials. There are three fertilization levels, including F1(500 kg/hm2),F2(900 kg/hm2) and F3(1400 kg/hm2) and four seedlings combination, including D1(28.6 hill/m2 with one seedling per hill), D2(23.5 hill/m2 with one seedling per hill), D3(23.5 hill/m2 with two seedlings per hill) and D4 (19.0 hill/m2 with two seedlings per hill). The results showed that the effects of fertilizer rates on yield was significant, and the effects of seedlings combination and interaction between F and D on yield were not significant. With the in-crease in fertilization, the yield and dry matter production increased significantly, but IE and PEP decreased significantly. Considering the yield and economic performance, the amount of fertilizer 900~1400 kg/hm2 and the seedling combination 23.5~28.6 hill/m2 with one seedlings per hill was suitable for the development of hybrid rice transplanting in Hunan Province.
Keywords:rice  basic seedling  fertilizer application rate  yield  dry matter production
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