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引用本文:刘永书. 杜鹃花的引种栽培试验初报[J]. 江西农业大学学报, 1990, 12(3): 40-48
摘    要:我国是杜鹃花的发源地和分布中心。但长期米对杜鹃花的引种未引起重视。庐山植物园根据所处的亚高山自然环境,于1982年开展了杜鹃花的引种栽培试验,进行了不同基质的播种试验和发芽试验,找到在消过毒的腐殖土表面铺洗净剪碎的苔藓进行播种的有效方法。进行了生物学特性观察。已引进200余种,有38种开花、105种生长较好的定植于杜鹃园中实验证明,在引种地域方面,无论从植物区系和气候条件考虑,以长江中下游以南的中、高山引种杜鹃,栽培容易成功;从北美东北部及日本引种杜鹃,亦容易成功;亦可选择我国西南部的高山湿生类型的杜鹃进行引种。从栽培上考虑,以栽培常绿杜鹃较久的欧美各国及日本引种容易见效。本文还对引种后的变异进行了比较观察.

关 键 词:杜鹃花 引种 栽培

Liu Yongshu. THE REPORT ON THE INTRODUCTION AND CULTIVATION OF RHODODENDRONS[J]. Acta Agriculturae Universitis Jiangxiensis, 1990, 12(3): 40-48
Authors:Liu Yongshu
Abstract:China is the origin and distribution center of rhododendrons.However,not enough attention had been paid to the introduction of rhododendronsin China over a long period of time.Based on the subalpine natural condi-tions of Lushan Botanical Garden,the study of introduction and cultivat-ion of rhododendrons was started in the Garden in 1982.The experimentsof sowing and germinating on different media were conducted.It was fou-nd that using sterilized humus soil as sowing medium by putting a layerof washed-up and cut-up mosses on the soil was an effective method.Thebiological characteristics were observed.More than 200 species of rhododen-drons were introduced.Among them,38 species came into bloom and 105 species which grew healthily were set in the rhododendron Garden in Lus-han Botanical Garden.In terms of in troduction region,whether of the flo-ristics or of the chimate conditions,the experiments indicated that the in-troduction was easier to be successful if the plants were from the subalp-ine regions to the south of the middle and lower reaches of the ChangjiangRiver and from the northeast part of North America and Japan.The alpinerhododendrons from the southwestern part of China were also easier to beintroduced;In terms of cultivation,it was easier to be effective if waseasier to be effective if the plants were from some European and North A-merican countries and Japan which have long cultivation history of evergre-en rhododendrons.The variation after in troduction and cultivation were ob-served carefully.
Keywords:Rhododendrons  Introduction  Cultivation  Introduced region
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