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引用本文:金国庆,张振,余启新,冯随起,丰忠平,赵世荣,周志春. 马尾松2个世代种子园6年生家系生长的遗传变异与增益比较[J]. 林业科学, 2019, 0(7): 57-67
作者姓名:金国庆  张振  余启新  冯随起  丰忠平  赵世荣  周志春
摘    要:【目的】研究与评价马尾松一代、二代无性系种子园的遗传增益及改良效果,指导马尾松良种选育、生产及应用。【方法】利用营建在浙江省淳安县燕山林场和福建省邵武市卫闽林场的6年生马尾松一代和二代自由授粉家系遗传测定林,分析不同世代种子园子代生长性状的遗传变异,并进行家系育种值估算及生长评价。【结果】马尾松不同世代的种子园子代生长差异很大,其树高、胸径和单株材积等生长量显著大于马尾松优良天然林分的混系子代,其中一代种子园子代各家系单株材积表型值和育种值分别大于优良天然林分混系55.78%~84.62%和40.66%~71.39%,二代其值分别大于优良天然林分混系58.96%~108.97%和42.97%~91.89%,二代种子园子代的平均生长量和遗传稳定性总体上高于一代种子园子代。树高、胸径和单株材积等主要生长性状在世代内家系间的生长差异均达极显著水平,在一代种子园子代中最优家系的树高、胸径和单株材积分别大于最差家系21.94%、30.72%和97.75%,在二代种子园子代中最优家系的树高、胸径和单株材积分别大于最差家系23.42%、29.60%和90.09%,说明种子园中对亲本材料的再选择非常重要。依据子代的单株材积育种值在两测定点的位次及其变幅大小,将38个家系分成速生型、较速生稳定型、较速生不稳定型和慢生型4类,各类所占家系数分别有23.68%、26.32%、21.05%和28.95%,其中速生型和较速生稳定型家系所对应的亲本无性系可作为新建马尾松二代无性系种子园的优良建园材料。种子园子代主要生长性状的地点×家系、区组×家系的互作效应极显著,说明各家系在不同立地环境中生长表现不一致。【结论】马尾松无性系种子园良种效益显著,二代增益大于一代。通过选择速生型和较速生稳定型家系将有助于种子园建园亲本的再选择、现有种子园的留优去劣疏伐和重建新的种子园。鉴于子代主要生长性状的基因型与环境互作使各家系在不同立地环境中生长表现不同,建议对子代生长表现突出、结实量较多的无性系进行单系采种利用。

关 键 词:马尾松  世代  家系  遗传变异  现实增益  育种值

Comparisons of Genetic Variation and Gains of 6-year-old Families from First-and Second-Generation Seed Orchards of Pinus massoniana
Jin Guoqing,Zhang Zhen,Yu Qixin,Feng Suiqi,Feng Zhongping,Zhao Shirong,Zhou Zhichun. Comparisons of Genetic Variation and Gains of 6-year-old Families from First-and Second-Generation Seed Orchards of Pinus massoniana[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2019, 0(7): 57-67
Authors:Jin Guoqing  Zhang Zhen  Yu Qixin  Feng Suiqi  Feng Zhongping  Zhao Shirong  Zhou Zhichun
Affiliation:(Engineering Research Center of Masson Pine of National Forestry and Grassland Administration Key Laboratory ofTree Breeding of Zhejiang Province Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry Hangzhou 311400;Laoshan Forest Farm of Chun’an Country, Zhejiang Province Chun’an 311700;Weimin State-Owned Forest Farm of Shaowu City,Fujian Province Shaowu 354006)
Abstract:【Objective】 To evaluate genetic gain and effect of improvement of the first- and the second-generation clonal seed orchards of Pinus massoniana, and to provide guidance for the breeding, production and application of the genetically improved P. massoniana.【Method】Two 6-year-old progeny trials of open-pollinated families of P. massoniana using materials respectively from the first-generation and the second-generation seed orchards in Zhejiang Chun’an and Fujian Shaowu were measured for evaluation of growth performance, analysis of genetic variation and gains, and estimation of breeding values of the families.【Result】There are large differences between progenies from different generations of seed orchard, while major growth traits including tree height, DBH, and volume all were higher than those of the control (i.e. the bulk selection from superior natural stands). The average individual volume and breeding value of the progenies from the first-generation seed orchard were 55.78%-84.62% and 40.66%-71.39% higher than those of the control, while these values were 58.96%-108.97% and 42.97%-91.89% for the progenies from the second-generation seed orchard. In general, progenies from the second-generation seed orchard exhibited greater growth rate and higher genetic stability than that of the first-generation seed orchard. There were significant differences in major growth traits among progeny families of the same generation. Tree height, DBH, and volume of the best family from the first-generation seed orchard were 21.94%, 30.72% and 97.75% higher than that of the poorest family. The traits of the best family from the second-generation seed orchard were 23.42%, 29.60% and 90.09% higher than that of the poorest family. These results indicated that re-selection of the parental lines from seed orchard will be essential. The tested families were classified into four types, i.e.“fastest-growing”,“fast-growing and stable”,“fast-growing and unstable”, and “slow-growing”, which accounted for 23.68%, 26.32%, 21.05% and 28.95%, of the total number of families respectively. The types of “fastest-growing” and “fast-growing and stable” could be used for establishing the new second-generation clonal seed orchard. Interactions of site × family and block × family were detected, indicating that the growth performance of families were diverse across different environment.【Conclusion】 The effect of genetic improvement of progenies from the clonal seed orchard of P. massoniana was outstanding, and genetic gain of the second-generation seed orchard was larger than that of the first-generation seed orchard. Selecting the “fastest-growing” and “fast-growing and stable” parental lines is suggested in the selective-thinning of the old seed orchard and the establishment of the new seed orchard. The utilization of the singular-line parent with superior growth performance and high yield of seeds is suggested, mainly due to the interaction of environment × genotype and the diverse growth performance of families across different environments.
Keywords:Pinus massoniana  generation  family  genetic variation  realized gain  breeding value
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