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引用本文:张晨东. 微肥和有机肥对保山红土晒烟品质的影响[J]. 勤云标准版测试, 2006, 0(8)
作者单位:云南省烟草科学研究所 玉溪653100
摘    要:为研究中微肥和有机肥对红土晒烟外观和内在品质的影响,探索提高和改善红土晒烟品质的有效途径,试验在基肥中加入有机肥,和大田生长期在叶面喷施中微量元素肥料,结果表明:施用有机肥的处理与对照相比,产量增加7.3% ̄20.9%,产值增加8.8% ̄25.3%,以厩肥 菜籽饼处理的效果最好;四个喷施微肥的处理其产量和产值均超过了喷清水的对照,其中产量增加6.7% ̄15.6%,产值增加6.8% ̄20.5%,以喷施镁肥的增幅最大。另外,喷施硼肥的处理与对照相比,烟碱降低了29.5%,总糖提高了20.9%;施用有机肥的处理,上部叶总糖、还原糖、总氮和蛋白质含量比对照增加,但烟碱变化不大。因此,红土晒烟生产上控制在适宜用量范围内使用有机肥是可行的。此外,施用有机肥还使红土晒烟的评吸质量获得提高。在团棵期和旺长期喷施硼肥,掌握在适宜用量的范围不仅可有效降低红土晒烟的烟碱含量,使烟丝化学成分更趋协调,而且改善了红土晒烟的香气品质,使整体内在质量获得提高。

关 键 词:红土晒烟  微肥  有机肥

Effect of Medium and Trace Elements, Organic Fertilizer on Qualities of Baoshan Sun-cured Tobacco
Zhang Chendong. Effect of Medium and Trace Elements, Organic Fertilizer on Qualities of Baoshan Sun-cured Tobacco[J]. , 2006, 0(8)
Authors:Zhang Chendong
Affiliation:Yunnan Tobacco Research Institute, Yuxi 653100
Abstract:In order to investigate the effect of medium and trace elements, organic fertilizer on appearance and internal qualities of sun-cured tobacco, search after some efficient ways to improve the qualities, by adding organic fertilizer in basal dressing and spraying trace elements on leaf surface, the results showed that both organic and medium or trace fertilizer having the effect of increasing output value and yield. Among the experimental treatments, magnesium fertilizer and manure plus rape cake showed the most. In addition, spraying boric fertilizer decreased nicotine content in leaves by 29.5%, but it changed less in upper leaves when applying organic fertilizer alone. Therefore, it was feasible that applying organic fertilizer under control. Furthermore, applying organic fertilizer improved the smoking quality. At growing age, spraying boric fertilizer with proper amount can reduce nicotine content evidently and improve aroma quality, which giving rise to harmony of chemical composition of tobacco shred and better quality in the round.
Keywords:Sun-cured tobacco   Medium or trace elements   Organic fertilizer
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