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Botanical composition of permanent grassland in England and Wales in relation to soil, environment and management factors
Authors:A. HOPKINS
Affiliation:Permanent Grassland Department, The Animal and Grassland Research Institute, North Wyke, UK
Abstract:Grassland in England and Wales accounts for nearly 60% of the enclosed agricultural land and approximately 50% is at least 20 years old. Botanical composition, especially amongst older grassland, is extremely variable.
A survey of 502 grassland farms was conducted in the 1970s. Factors affecting botanical composition of individual fields have been investigated using correlation and regression analyses and swards of similar botanical composition grouped using cluster analysis. Lolium perenne, Agrostis spp. and Holcus lanatus were numerically the most important species, contributing, on average, 35%. 21% and 10%, respectively. Most older swards contained Lolium perenne and Agrostis spp. in varying proportions depending on drainage, soil fertility and management. Swards containing a significant proportion of Trifolium repens were associated with adequate drainage, good soil nutrient status, low inputs of fertilizer nitrogen and hard grazing. Of the other common species Holcus lanatus was associated with poor drainage, low soil fertility, hay cutting, short-season grazing and low fertilizer N. Festuca rubra was mainly in older swards, at higher elevations and with low fertilizer N but heavy stocking. Swards containing Rumex spp., Poa trivialis and other sown grasses were associated with mowing together with reasonably high soil fertility.
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