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Diameter growth: can live trees decrease?
Authors:Pastur, Guillermo Martinez   Lencinas, Maria Vanessa   Cellini, Juan Manuel   Mundo, Ignacio
Affiliation:1 Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas (CONICET), cc 92 (9410), Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
2 Fac. Cs. Agrs. y Ftales (UNLP) La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3 Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (CONICET) Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina
Abstract:Growth refers to an increase in dimensions with time and isimplicit in the expected continual increase in tree dimensions.Tree diameters, however, could decrease during the growing seasondue to water depletion. Annual negative growth measurementsare usually attributed to human error and not to other physiologicalor physical processes. Although seasonal and diurnal fluctuationsof diameter have been well documented, perennial decrement ofdiameter has not been the focus of physiological research. Theaim of this work was to analyse the potential causes of decreasein annual diameter growth related to tree mortality due to self-thinningin Nothofagus pumilio forests and to quantify the variationsin water depletion of the tree trunks. Some trees did presentnegative annual diameter increments associated with a watercontent decrease in the trunks (77 per cent in live trees comparedwith 56 per cent in recently dead individuals), which produceda contraction (more than 8 per cent of the initial diameter)in the wood and the bark. Trees could survive during 2–5growth seasons with continual decreases in their diameters (14per cent, standard error 5 per cent of the trees in the studiedstand) until the water content reached a limit where mortalityresulted. Therefore, the occurrence of data showing a diameterdecrease in successive forest inventories may be due to physiologicaland physical processes in the natural dynamics of the stand,and not exclusively be explained away as the results of humanmeasurement errors.
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