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Mineral nutrient fluxes in rainfall and throughfall in a lowland Atlantic rainforest in southern Brazil
Authors:Maurício Bergamini Scheer
Affiliation:1.Programa de Pós-Gradua??o em Engenharia Florestal,Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR; Assessoria de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, DMA/SANEPAR,Curitiba,Brazil
Abstract:The ecosystems occurring on dystrophic soils, such as sandy soils, are highly dependent on nutrients from the atmosphere and those cycled by their own biota. Nutrient inputs from rainfall and throughfall were measured between October 2001 and August 2003 in a secondary Atlantic rainforest in southern Brazil. Canopy interception (rainfall minus throughfall) was 17.3% of the annual rainfall of 2,235 mm. Monthly interception ranged from 12 to 31% during the rainiest months (precipitation above 200 mm) and from 1 to 45% during the driest months (precipitation below 50 mm) indicating relatively high variability during this period. The studied site may be susceptible to water stress in this period due to the high permeability of the sandy soil. Approximately 80% of the Ca and Na and 57% of Mg were mainly from rainfall (bulk deposition) whereas the main input source for K was net throughfall (about 78%). Mean annual inputs via throughfall (in kg ha−1) were: 90.6 for Na, 29.1 for K, 7.1 for Ca, and 2.9 for Mg. The highest nutrient inputs occurred during the rainy season. Na fluxes were relatively high, while K, Ca, and Mg inputs were low, compared with other tropical and subtropical forests. Information on nutrient fluxes for different forest ecosystems are fundamental for building up a database that can give support to environmental diagnosis, to forest management, and to conservation and restoration techniques.
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