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引用本文:李银芳,潘伯荣,阿迪力·吾彼尔,古丽努尔·沙比尔哈孜,刘力. 覆膜增温对沙枣树产胶的增产作用[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2012, 0(10): 112-116
作者姓名:李银芳  潘伯荣  阿迪力·吾彼尔  古丽努尔·沙比尔哈孜  刘力
摘    要:沙枣树(Elaeagnus angustifolia)覆膜试验的结果表明,覆膜对沙枣树产胶的增产效果明显,成熟林覆膜后较裸地增产30.3%,单株年产量由86.7g/株增加到112.9g/株;过熟林覆膜后较裸地增产18.0%,单株年产量由76.0g/株增加到86.7g/株。增产是因为覆膜明显地提高了地温,成熟林覆膜后林地的增温效果是13.7%,而过熟林由于土壤过湿,林地的增温效果是2.2%。覆膜增温提高了树木的生理活性,表现在以促进林木速生期的生长速率方式提高了新枝生长量,并且成熟林的速生期还较过熟林长。从生长速率到出胶速率的最大值和最小值的天数及速率分析,覆膜较裸地大,并且成熟林大于过熟林,是生理活性增强出胶量大的主要原因。

关 键 词:沙枣树    地膜覆盖  增产效应

Eeffect of temperature increase caused by plastic film mulching on the gum yield for Elaeagnus angustifolia
Abstract:Experimental results of Elaeagnus angustifolia with plastic film cover showed that mature forest with plastic film cover can increase gum yield 30.3% than that of uncovered forest;Gum yield of individuals can increase from 86.7g /individual to 1129g/ individual.Over-aged forest with plastic film cover can increase gum yield 18.0% than that of uncovered forest;Gum yield of individuals can increase from 76.0g/individual to 86.7g/individual.The effects of increasing temperature with plastic film for mature forest is 13.7% while the effects of increasing temperature with plastic film for over-aged forest is 13.7% because of the soil is too wet.Plastic film improved new branches growth by promoting growth rate in fast growing stage.Fast growing stage of mature forest is longer than fast growing stage of over-aged forest.
Keywords:Elaeagnus angustifolia  gum production  plastic film mulching  yield-increasing
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