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Dry Peas (Pisum sativum L.) Grown in Mixtures with Faba Beans (Vicia faba L.)—A Rewarding Cultivation Alternative
Authors:D. Stelling
Affiliation:Georg-August-University Göttingen, Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding
Abstract:Two semi-leafless pea cultivars and two highly lodging-resistant faba bean cultivars were grown in a series of replacement trials conducted on a highly fertile loam soil near Gottingen from 1992 to 1995. Cultivation as well as harvesting of mixed crops of both species proved possible. In spite of the delayed harvest of the mixed crop stands determined by the later pod ripening of the faba beans (varying between seasons from -f 5 to +21 days), noticeable seed losses due to pod shattering were not observed for the overripe peas. Standing ability of the peas was considerably improved by mixed cropping. Lodging began later and was less severe at harvest. Within mixtures with 50 % or more faba bean proportions at sowing (relative to the seeding rate of the pure stands) the peas, n i most cases, remained nearly upright until harvest and instead of the usual 'Plattlager', i.e., prostrate but upright top, frequently a more highly inserted 'Hohllager', i.e., upright but collapsed at higher nodes, was observed. In contrast to these remarkably synergistic effects for standing ability, such effects proved to be only small and nonsignificant for grain yield (−1.5–2.9%). Yield stability of the mixed crops was higher than that of the pure stands of both species. Estimates of the stability parameters, ecovalence, deviation from regression and environmental variance were at least halved. Yield proportions of peas and faba beans in the harvested seed of the mixtures did not correspond with the seed proportions at sowing. They differed considerably between seasons and cultivar combination. Higher yield proportions of faba beans were observed under wet and cold weather conditions and for the cultivar combination Victor/Disco, whereas higher yield proportions of peas were found under dry and warm weather conditions and for the cultivar combination Mythos/Baroness .
Keywords:Dry pea    faba bean    genotype × environment interaction    suitability for combine harvesting    mixed cropping    lodging    yield stability
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