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Influence of Manuring on certain soil physical properties in the middle awash area of ethiopia

Irrigated soils in Middle Awash area of Ethiopia have poor aeration and low water infiltration rates. In order to improve these characteristics, green manure (dolicus lab‐lab), farm yard manure, and bagasse were incorporated into the soil. As a result, grain and dry matter yields were statistically significantly improved. However, dry matter and grain yield from the application of bagasse were lower even than the control treatment Infiltration rates and bulk density were also measured before and after application of green manure, farm yard manure, and bagasse. Infiltration intake rates before incorporation of dolicus lab‐lab was slightly increased. In contrast, lighter bulk density and total soil porosity were obtained before incorporation of farm yard manure. Overall green manure may be regarded as one of the most promising organic manures in improving certain degraded soil physical properties.
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