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引用本文:陈望雄,杨新荣,黎振强. 基于3S技术的东洞庭湖区域森林景观格局分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2015, 31(1): 1-9. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-2594
作者姓名:陈望雄  杨新荣  黎振强
作者单位:(湖南理工学院经济与管理学院,湖南岳阳 414000)
摘    要:为了优化东洞庭湖区域森林景观格局,合理利用森林资源和科学管理森林,在3S技术平台的支持下,利用东洞庭湖区域2006年与2009年2期Landsat TM遥感影像数据为数据源,进行森林信息提取并获得土地利用类型图,将2期经过栅格化处理的遥感图片导入Fragstas 3.3软件计算景观指数。选取有代表性的14个森林景观指数,通过2期指数对比,分别从景观结构、形状特征、异质性与多样性3个方面对该区域进行森林景观格局分析。结果表明:混交林和针叶林是该区域的主要优势景观类型,其斑块面积大,连通性较好,但形状和分布比较复杂;阔叶林次之;竹林和草地面积最小并呈散点分布,斑块形状和分布复杂程度最低。景观中各个斑块类型分布不均衡,不定性的信息量较大,异质性较低。东洞庭湖区域森林景观总体呈现扩展、破碎化和复杂化趋势,应采取切实措施改善该区域的森林景观格局。

关 键 词:台湾桤木 褐化 PPO POD 总酚  台湾桤木 褐化 PPO POD 总酚  

The Analysis of Forest Landscape Patterns in East Dongting Lake Region Based on 3S Technology
Chen Wangxiong,Yang Xinrong and Li Zhenqiang. The Analysis of Forest Landscape Patterns in East Dongting Lake Region Based on 3S Technology[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2015, 31(1): 1-9. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-2594
Authors:Chen Wangxiong  Yang Xinrong  Li Zhenqiang
Affiliation:(Economics and Management College, Hunan College of Science and Technology, Yueyang Hunan 414000)
Abstract:In order to make optimization of forest landscape pattern, rational utilization of forest resource and scientific management in east Dongting Lake Region, forest information extraction and land use types were obtained from Landsat TM remote sensing image data of east Dongting Lake Region in 2006 and 2009 based on 3S techniques. Then 2 phase rasterized remote sensing images were imported Fragstas3.3 software and lots of landscape indices were calculated. Through 2 phase indices contrast, the representative 14 forest landscape indices were selected to analyze forest landscape patterns in east Dongting Lake Region from three aspects: the landscape structure, shape characteristics, heterogeneity and diversity. The result showed that: as the main preponderant landscape types, the mixed forest and coniferous forest presented larger plaque area, better connectedness among the patches, more complicated shape and distribution; the next was broad-leaved forest; the bamboo forest and grass presented the least area, scatter distribution and the lowest complexity in patch shape and distribution. In general, the distribution in patch type was not balanced and presented large amount of uncertain information and lower heterogeneity. As a whole, forest landscape of east Dongting Lake Region showed the tendency of extension, fragmentation and the complication so effective measures should be taken to improve forest landscape pattern.
Keywords:3S technology   east Dongting Lake Region   forest   landscape pattern
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