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Germination of Juniperus procera seeds in response to stratification and smoke treatments,and detection of insect-damaged seeds with VIS + NIR spectroscopy
Authors:Mulualem Tigabu  Joakim Fjellström  Per Christer Odén  Demel Teketay
Affiliation:1.Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Tropical Silviculture and Seed Laboratory,Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,Ume?,Sweden;2.Forest Stewardship Council,African Regional Office (FSC Africa),Kumasi,Ghana
Abstract:Seeds of Juniperus procera collected from five provenances across its geographic range in Ethiopia were subjected to cold-moist stratification at 5°C or 10°C for 6–12 weeks. The effect of aqueous smoke solution in overcoming the light requirement for germination, and the potential of visible (VIS) and near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy for sorting sound and insect-damaged seeds were also investigated. Highly significant differences in germination were detected among provenances (P < 0.0001) and stratification periods (P < 0.0001), but not between temperature regimes (P=0.111). Seeds from the south and southeast distribution ranges had higher percentage germination after 6 weeks of stratification than seeds collected from north, northwest and central ranges of distribution. The smoke treatment did not affect germination regardless of whether the seeds were exposed to light. Exposure to light increased germination capacity three fold. Sound and damaged seeds were distinguished with 90% accuracy using VIS + NIR spectroscopy. It can be concluded that dormancy in juniper seeds varies with provenances, and cold stratification for 6 weeks alleviates dormancy in some seed lots. Tentatively, smoke treatment seems ineffective in overcoming photo-dormancy in juniper seeds. VIS + NIR spectroscopy has demonstrated a great potential for sorting damaged seeds, thereby upgrading seed lot purity.
Keywords:Dormancy  Ethiopia  Light  Provenance  Seed purity  Tropical tree
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