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Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Vaucheriaceen XI. Vaucherien aus Tadshikistan
Authors:Alfred Rieth
Abstract:Zusammenfassung Aus lebendem Algenmaterial der Gegend von Duschanbe wurdenVaucheria woroniniana fo.quadripora forma nova undV. debaryana Woronin kultiviert und die Besonderheiten von Populationen verschiedener Herkünfte dieser Arten an Kulturen verglichen.
Summary August 1963 we got samples of living algae collected some days ago in the surroundings of Duschanbe (Pamir region). Two species ofVaucheria could be identificated after developping reproductive structures in cultures:V. debaryana Woronin andV. woroniniana Heering formaquadripora fo. nov. To secure the extend of variability populations of different geographical origin were compared, grown under the same conditions. The species found are new ones for the Pamir region.

Kcyrcyamkcyocyiecy scyocy¶rt;iecyrcyzhcyaicyuiecy Icyzcy zhcyicyvcyocygcyocy mcyacytcyiecyrcyicyacylcyacy vcyocydcyocyrcyocyscylcyiecyjcy, scyocybcyrcyacyncyncyocygcyocy vcy ocykcyrcyiecyscytcyncyocyscytcyyacykhcy Dcychcyshcyacyncybcyiecy, kcyucylcysoftcytcyicyvcyicyrcyocyvcyacylcyicyscysoftcyVaucheria woroniniana fo.quadripora forma nova icyV. debaryana Woron. Vcy kcyucylcysoftcytcyucyrcyiecy scyrcyacyvcyncyicyvcyacylcyncyscysoftcy tcyacykcyzhcyiecy ocyscyocybcyiecyncyncyocyscytcyicy pcyocypcyucylcyyacytscyicyjcy ecytcyicykhcy vcyicydcyocyvcy, icymcyiecyyucyshchcyicykhcy rcyacyzcylcyicychcyncyocyiecy pcyrcyocyicyscykhcyocyzhcydcyiecyncyicyiecy.
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