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引用本文:房世波,谭凯炎,任三学. 夜间增温对冬小麦生长和产量影响的实验研究[J]. 中国农业科学, 2010, 43(15): 3251-3258. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2010.15.025
作者姓名:房世波  谭凯炎  任三学
摘    要: 【目的】探讨夜间增温对冬小麦生长及其产量的影响及其影响机制。【方法】以冬小麦超优-626(冬性)为试材,利用红外辐射器模拟大田条件下的夜间增温环境(增温从4月3日小麦起身开始,到6月15日小麦收割结束),研究夜间增温对冬小麦生长、产量及其构成的影响。【结果】红外辐射器增温设施增温稳定,使小麦冠层增温2.5℃。夜间增温导致冬小麦生育期缩短,各物候期提前,产量显著降低。夜间增温导致冬小麦乳熟期提前4 d,成熟期提前达5 d,其它各物候期提前1—2 d,灌浆过程缩短5 d;春季夜间冠层增温2.5℃导致冬小麦无效穗数显著增加,小穗数、穗粒数和千粒重显著减小,冬小麦减产达26.6%。【结论】春季夜间增温可导致冬小麦大幅度减产。从生长发育角度分析得出,物候期提前使生育期缩短、灌浆过程缩短使千粒重下降是夜间增温导致冬小麦减产的重要原因;从产量构成分析得出,生育期缩短相应产生的无效穗数大幅度增加、穗粒数大幅度减少是产量降低的最重要影响因子。同时,增温导致蒸散增加,土壤水分降低可能是导致产量下降的另一因子。建议在全球变暖背景下,采取适宜措施应对夜间气温升高,以确保冬小麦稳产高产。

关 键 词:气候变化  夜间增温  冬小麦  产量  适应

Winter Wheat Yields Decline with Spring Higher Night Temperature by Controlled Experiments
FANG Shi-bo,TAN Kai-yan,REN San-xue. Winter Wheat Yields Decline with Spring Higher Night Temperature by Controlled Experiments[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2010, 43(15): 3251-3258. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2010.15.025
Authors:FANG Shi-bo  TAN Kai-yan  REN San-xue
Affiliation:(Institute of Eco-environment Land Agrometeorology, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
Abstract:【Objective】 The experiment aims to study how the winter wheat growth and yield response to the higher night temperature. 【Method】 Using winter wheat as experimental material, higher night temperature treatment (HNT) of a 2.5℃ increase was set with infrared heaters (HNT from April 3 at the jointing stage to June 15 at the wheat harvest), relative to normal night temperature treatment (control), to determine the effects of HNT on winter wheat growth and yield. 【Result】 Compared to the control, when winter wheat planted at 2.5℃ HNT, the growth duration was shorter, the phenological phases were earlier and yields were decreased significantly. In earlier phenological phase of winter wheat in HNT, the milk ripe stage was 4 days earlier than those in the control, the mature date was 5 days earlier, other phenological dates were 1-2 days earlier than those in the control, and the milking processes of wheat in HNT were shorter 5 days. Compared to the control, the winter wheat yields in higher night temperature (HNT) treatment were reduced by 26.6% as HNT caused a significant increase in infertile tillers, fewer spikelet number, fewer grains per spike, and lower 1000-grain weight. 【Conclusion】 The winter wheat yields with spring nocturnal warming were decreased significantly. The important reasons for yield decrease include a decreased growth duration, shorter milking processes, and earlier phenological date. As the growth duration become shorter, the yield compositions of wheat in HNT changed. The significant decrease in infertile tillers, non-productive panicles, and fewer grains per spike were the main reasons for the yield decline of wheat in HNT. Another reason for yield decline was that HNT could make a higher evapotranspiration which would induce soil moisture decrease. Soil moisture decrease due to a higher evapotranspiration in HNT may be another contributor to yield decline. As expected, the adaptation measures should be considered to cope with the impacts of global warming on crops, and further researches and assessments need to be conducted.
Keywords:climate change  higher night temperature  winter wheat  yields  adaptation
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