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Foraging in a fractal environment: Spatial patterns in a marine predator-prey system
Authors:Robert W. Russell  George L. Hunt Jr.  Kenneth O. Coyle  R. Ted Cooney
Affiliation:(1) Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, 92717 Irvine, California, USA;(2) Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, 99775-1080 Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
Abstract:Spatial relationships between predators and prey have important implications for landscape processes and patterns. Highly mobile oceanic birds and their patchily distributed prey constitute an accessible model system for studying these relationships. High-frequency echosounders can be used together with simultaneous direct visual observations to quantitatively describe the distributions of seabird consumers and their resources over a wide range of spatial scales, yielding information which is rarely available in terrestrial systems.Recent fine-scale investigations which have used acoustics to study the distribution of foraging marine birds have reported weak or ephemeral spatial associations between the birds and their prey. These results are inconsistent with predictions of optimal foraging, but several considerations suggest that traditional foraging models do not adequately describe resource acquisition in marine environments. Relative to their terrestrial counterparts, oceanic lsquolandscapesrsquo are structurally very simple, but they generally lack visual cues about resource availability.An emerging view assumes that perceptually constrained organisms searching for food in multiscale environments should respond to patterns of resource abundance over a continuum of scales. We explore fractal geometry as a possible tool for quantifying this view and for describing spatial dispersion patterns that result from foraging behavior. Data on an Alaskan seabird (least auklet [Aethia pusilla]) and its zooplanktonic food resources suggest that fractal approaches can yield new ecological insights into complex spatial patterns deriving from animal movements.
Keywords:fractal dimension  spatial correlation  predators  consumers  resources  seabirds  Zooplankton  foraging  animal movements
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