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Growth in supplementarily planted Picea abies regenerations

An experiment was established in 1978 in two Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] plantations in southern Sweden to study yield after mortality in patches with and without supplementarily planted (SP) seedlings. Gaps of different sizes were created by removing the originally planted seedlings. The gaps were either left unplanted or a supplementary planting was performed with one of four species [Norway spruce, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) or hybrid larch (Larix deciduas Mill×L. Leptolepis Gord.)] 2 (at Knäred) or 6 years (at Ullasjö) after the original plantation. In 2002, most of the SP Scots pine, lodgepole pine and hybrid larch seedlings were dead or severely damaged by roe deer and moose. Survival was high among SP Norway spruces, but they had slower growth than the originally planted spruces. Growth was lower at Ullasjö than at Knäred. In Ullasjö, growth was lower in small gaps than in large gaps. Trees in original regeneration in areas surrounding unplanted gaps were larger than trees surrounding gaps with SP seedlings, which in turn were larger than originally planted trees in plots without gaps. In conclusion, because the original plantation surrounding unplanted gaps used a large part of the open space and growth of SP seedlings was slow, supplementary planting resulted in an insignificant growth increase. However, supplementary planting may increase the timber quality of trees surrounding the gaps, although this effect remains to be quantified.
Keywords:Competition  Norway spruce  replacement planting  volume production
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