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Community of Aphyllophorales and Root Rot in Stumps of Picea abies on Clear-felled Forest Sites in Lithuania

The community of Aphyllophorales fungi in stumps of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and the occurrence of root rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum were investigated at 38 clear-felled sites in Lithuania. Fruit-bodies were recorded on 36.0% of the 3924 examined stumps. The most common were Bjerkandera adusta, Phlebiopsis gigantea, Fomitopsis pinicola, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Stereum sanguinolentum, Trametes zonata and H. annosum. All species occurred in stumps both with and without established root rot, but B. adusta, F. pinicola, G. sepiarium, T. zonata and Trichaptum abietinum occurred less often in stumps containing root rot, while H. annosum was encountered more often. Greater numbers of fruit-bodies were found on stumps cut in summer than on those cut in winter. The fruiting became most abundant 3-4 yrs after the trees were felled. The abundance of nearly all Aphyllophorales correlated positively with the stump diameter, and on larger stumps, fruit-bodies of several different fungi were more common. The number of stumps containing H. annosum root rot in different sites varied from 9.8% to 68.8%, and was 27.6% on average. The incidence of root rot correlated neither with the age nor with the density of the felled stand, but it correlated negatively with the proportion of deciduous trees within a stand.
Keywords:Community  Heterobasidion  Annosum  Norway  Spruce  Wood  Decay
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