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Parasites, biodiversity, and population dynamics in an ecosystem in the high arctic.
Authors:O Halvorsen  K Bye
Affiliation:University of Oslo Zoological Museum, Norway. odd.halvorsen@toyen.uio.no
Abstract:The abomasa of 163 Svalbard reindeers (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) from Nordenski?ld Land, Spitsbergen (78 degrees N, 15 degrees E) were examined for adult and juvenile nematodes. Spitsbergen has midnight sun from late April to late August, arctic night from late October to mid-February, permafrost, and snow cover from October to June. Plant growth is restricted to 6-8 weeks, usually starting mid-June. In the reindeer calves, which are born in June prevalence and intensity of infection increased over the winter. All young (1 year) and adult (older than 1 year) reindeers were infected. Variations in worm burden, fraction of adult nematodes, male to female ratio in the nematodes, number of adult nematodes, number of juvenile nematodes, and distribution of juvenile nematodes on length groups were analysed for relationships with sex and age of host, and time of the year. The material was further analysed for relationships between the reindeer's content of stored fat and worm burden and its elements. It is concluded that transmission of nematodes to the reindeer continues over the winter and that arrested larval development has not been strongly selected for in this High Arctic locality. Infection continued to increase in adult males but not in adult females with age. This is explained as a balance between gain and loss of worms in the females connected to levelling off of food intake at end of somatic growth. In adult male reindeers there was a negative trend between stored fat and infection at all seasons. In reproducing females there were significant negative relationships in winter-spring, while in yeld females no significant relationship was found. The nematodes belonged to the following taxa: Ostertagia gruehneri m. gruehneri, O. gruehneri m. arcticus, Marshallagia marshalli m. marshalli, M. marshalli. m. occidentalis, Teladorsagia circumcincta m. circumcincta, T. circumcincta. m. trifurcata, and T. circumcincta. m. davtiani. There appears not to be any specially adapted species among the helminth parasites of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) in the High Arctic. In the Low Arctic Uminmakstrongylus pallikuukensis of muskoxen may be an example of such adaptation.
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