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引用本文:胡安永,刘 勤,孙 星,张亚楠. 太湖地区不同轮作模式下的稻田氮素平衡研究[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2014, 22(5): 509-515
作者姓名:胡安永  刘 勤  孙 星  张亚楠
作者单位:中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008;中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008;中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008;中国科学院南京土壤研究所 南京 210008
摘    要:采用田间微区15N示踪,研究了太湖地区稻田不同轮作模式(紫云英-水稻轮作、休闲-水稻轮作、小麦-水稻轮作)和施氮水平(0、120 kg·hm?2、240 kg·hm?2、300 kg·hm?2)下水稻对氮肥的吸收利用效率及土壤氮素残留特征。结果表明,水稻吸收的氮素来自肥料的比例为20.9%~49.6%,休闲-水稻轮作模式下水稻产量的获得更加依赖无机氮肥的大量投入。当季水稻对肥料氮的利用率为25.0%~41.5%,肥料氮的土壤残留率为13.4%~24.6%,其中90%以上的土壤残留肥料氮集中在0~20 cm土层,在土壤剖面中的残留率随土层深度增加而迅速降低,30~40 cm土层的肥料残留量仅占氮肥施用量的0.2%~0.7%。紫云英?水稻轮作和休闲?水稻轮作模式下氮肥利用率和土壤残留率均在施氮240 kg·hm?2时达到最大值,其氮肥利用率显著高于小麦?水稻轮作55.6%和66.0%。稻季施氮240 kg·hm?2时,小麦-水稻轮作模式下的氮肥利用率、土壤残留率以及总回收率显著最低,损失率显著最大;紫云英?水稻轮作模式下的氮肥损失率最小,分别小于休闲?水稻轮作和小麦-水稻轮作13.9%、39.2%。不同轮作模式下,水稻籽粒产量随施氮量的增加而增加,稻季施氮240 kg·hm?2时,紫云英?水稻轮作下水稻籽粒产量显著高于休闲?水稻轮作和小麦?水稻轮作,小麦?水稻轮作籽粒产量虽略高于休闲?水稻轮作,但没有达到显著水平。本研究认为,选择紫云英还田配施氮肥240 kg·hm?2,既可以保证水稻氮肥利用率而获得高产,又能减少氮肥损失而带来的环境风险,是一种值得在当地大力推广的耕作制度。

关 键 词:N标记尿素  轮作模式  施氮量  氮肥利用率  肥料残留  水稻

Nitrogen balance in paddy fields under different rotation systems in the Taihu Lake Region
HU Anyong,LIU Qin,SUN Xing and ZHANG Yanan. Nitrogen balance in paddy fields under different rotation systems in the Taihu Lake Region[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2014, 22(5): 509-515
Authors:HU Anyong  LIU Qin  SUN Xing  ZHANG Yanan
Affiliation:Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
Abstract:A field micro-plot (labeled 15N) fertilizer experiment was conducted to investigate the use efficiency of fertilizer N and its residual features under different rice-based cropping systems (Chinese milk vetch-rice rotation, fallow-rice rotation and wheat-rice rotation) in the Taihu Lake Region. Results showed that 20.9%?49.6% of N uptake of rice was derived from the applied fertilizer N. Fallow-rice rotation system largely depended on inorganic N fertilizer to form yield. N fertilizer use efficiency of rice was 25.0%?41.5% of the labeled fertilizer N at harvest. Residual fertilizer N rate in soils was 13.4%-24.6%, over 90% of which was in the 0-20 cm soil layer. The amount of fertilizer N residue in the soil profile decreased rapidly with increasing soil depth. Only 0.2%-0.7% of the fertilizer N was in the soil layer of 30-40 cm. Fertilizer N use efficiency and soil residual N rate were largest at N application rate of 240 kg·hm-2 under Chinese milk vetch-rice rotation and fallow-rice rotation systems. This respectively exceeded by 55.6% and 66.0% over N fertilizer use efficiency under wheat-rice rotation. Fertilizer N use efficiency, soil residual rate as well as total N recovery rate were lowest while N loss rate highest under wheat-rice rotation system at N application rate of 240 kg·hm-2. As for the Chinese milk vetch-rice rotation system, the loss rate of N fertilizer was lowest, which was less than those of fallow-rice rotation and wheat-rice rotation systems by 13.9% and 39.2%, respectively. Under different rotation systems, rice yield increased with increasing urea application rate. Under straw-return application of Chinese milk vetch of Chinese milk vetch-rice rotation system, rice yield was significantly higher compared to those of wheat-rice rotation and fallow-rice rotation at N application of 240 kg·hm-2. Although rice yield under wheat-rice rotation was slightly higher than that under fallow-rice rotation, it was not significantly different. The study suggested that N application at 240 kg·hm-2 in addition to straw-return application of Chinese milk vetch of Chinese milk vetch-rice rotation not only ensured N fertilizer use efficiency and high rice grain yield, but also reduced the loss of N fertilizer and environmental risks. Considering these factors, Chinese milk vetch-rice rotation system was recommended as a suitable cropping system worthy of promotion in the Taihu Lake Region.
Keywords:15N labeled urea   Rotation system   N application rate   N fertilizer use efficiency   Fertilizer residues   Rice
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