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引用本文:杨秀好,骆有庆,蓝霞,杨忠武,秦江林,韦继光. 桉蝙蛾幼虫危害桉树的空间格局研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2015, 37(5): 102-109. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000--1522.20140257
作者姓名:杨秀好  骆有庆  蓝霞  杨忠武  秦江林  韦继光
作者单位:1.1 广西林业有害生物防治检疫站
摘    要:桉蝙蛾是近年来在两广新发现的严重危害引种树种桉树的钻蛀性害虫。分别采用传统的分布型指数法和地统计学分析方法对桉蝙蛾幼虫危害桉树的种群空间格局进行了研究。分布型指数法分析结果显示,桉蝙蛾幼虫种群空间格局为聚集分布。地统计学分析结果显示,在林分样地小尺度下,轻度、中度和重度危害时,该虫种群空间格局均为聚集分布,不同危害程度空间依赖范围分别为20.00、40.38和69.42 m,种群的空间依赖程度随危害程度加重而减小,样地内桉蝙蛾幼虫没有聚集特性,同一木段有多头幼虫蛀入的,各自的蛀道互不联通,将多个蛀道中的幼虫取出置于同一容器,会相互攻击,小尺度下该虫聚集原因是由于成虫产卵特性和外部环境因素共同作用所引起。在省际大区域尺度下,该虫种群在轻度危害时呈随机分布,在中度和重度危害时呈聚集分布,轻、中、重度情况下变程α分别为43.60、15.50和12.47 km,该虫种群的空间依赖关系随着危害程度增加而增大,幼虫聚集程度与桉树寄主的分布和种植年限有关,桉树在广西各县均有种植,受该虫轻度危害的林分在全区呈零星分布,显现出随机分布的特点,而危害比较严重的林分主要分布在桂中和桂南地区,这一区域种植桉树时间较早,目前多为2代萌芽林,本土昆虫桉蝙蛾向新种植的桉树转移成功后,对2代桉树萌芽林危害较1代新造林重,呈现出聚集分布特点。 

关 键 词:桉蝙蛾   种群   空间格局

Spatial distribution pattern of Endoclita signifier larvae infestation on Eucalyptus
YANG Xiu-hao,LUO You-qing,LAN Xia,YANG Zhong-wu,QIN Jiang-lin,WEI Ji-guang. Spatial distribution pattern of Endoclita signifier larvae infestation on Eucalyptus[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2015, 37(5): 102-109. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000--1522.20140257
Authors:YANG Xiu-hao  LUO You-qing  LAN Xia  YANG Zhong-wu  QIN Jiang-lin  WEI Ji-guang
Affiliation:1.1 Department of Guangxi Forestry Pest Management, Nanning, Guangxi, 530028, P. R. China;2.2 College of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, P. R. China;3.3 College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, P. R. China;4.4 Forestry Pest Management Station of Guilin Districts, Guilin, Guangxi, 541001, P. R. China;5.5 Guangxi Institute of Meteorological Disaster-Reducing Research, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, P. R. China.
Abstract:Endoclita signifier is a new borer pest which has caused serious damages to introduced Eucalyptus species in Guangxi and Guangdong provinces in recent years. We applied six indexes of distribution and geo-statistical methods to analyze the spatial characteristics of the damages to Eucalyptus by larvae E. signifier. The analysis of distribution indexes showed that the spatial distribution pattern of E. signifier larvae was aggregated. The geo-statistical analysis indicated that, at small scale of plantations, the spatial distribution pattern was aggregated at slight, moderate and serious infestations, and the distances of spatial dependence of E. signifier larvae were 20. 00,40. 38 and 69. 42 m, respectively. The degree of spatial dependence decreased with the increase of infestation. The E. signifier larvae had no aggregation characteristics in the plots. The larvae bored into the same stem through independent tunnels without connections. The larvae could attack each other while two or more larvae were collected from their host stem tunnels and put together in one container. The aggregation of the larvae at small scales is due to the synergistic effects from exterior environment of the larvae population and the oviposition characteristics of adults. At provincial scale, the spatial distribution pattern was random at slight infestation, and aggregated at moderate and serious infestations. The distance of spatial dependence of the pest was 43. 60, 15. 50 and 12. 47 km, respectively at slight, moderate and serious infestations. The degree of spatial dependence increased with the increase of infestation, and the degree of aggregation of E. signifier larvae was related to the distribution and age of Eucalyptus plantations. Eucalyptus plantations are widely distributed in every county of Guangxi Province, and the slightly infested plantations were scattered with random spatial distribution pattern. The moderately and seriously infested plantations were mainly distributed in central and southern areas of Guangxi Province where Eucalyptus were planted early, and currently most of the plantations were 2nd generation of sprout. After this native insect shifted its host to exotic Eucalyptus successfully, it infested more seriously in the 2nd generation plantations than in the 1st generation plantations and showed an aggregated spatial distribution pattern.
Keywords:Endoclita signifier  population  spatial distribution pattern
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