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Differences in soil properties in adjacent stands of Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch in SW Sweden
Authors:Karna Hansson  Bengt A. OlssonMats Olsson  Ulf JohanssonDan Berggren Kleja
Affiliation:a Department of Ecology, Box 7044, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden
b Department of Soil and Environment, Box 7001, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden
c Tönnersjöheden and Skarhult Experimental Forests, P.O. Box 17, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-310 38 Simlångsdalen, Sweden
Abstract:Soil properties were compared in adjacent 50-year-old Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch stands growing on similar soils in south-west Sweden. The effects of tree species were most apparent in the humus layer and decreased with soil depth. At 20-30 cm depth in the mineral soil, species differences in soil properties were small and mostly not significant. Soil C, N, K, Ca, Mg, and Na content, pH, base saturation and fine root biomass all significantly differed between humus layers of different species. Since the climate, parent material, land use history and soil type were similar, the differences can be ascribed to tree species. Spruce stands had the largest amounts of carbon stored down to 30 cm depth in mineral soil (7.3 kg C m−2), whereas birch stands, with the lowest production, smallest amount of litterfall and lowest C:N ratio in litter and humus, had the smallest carbon pool (4.1 kg C m−2), with pine intermediate (4.9 kg C m−2). Similarly, soil nitrogen pools amounted to 349, 269, and 240 g N m−2 for spruce, pine, and birch stands, respectively. The humus layer in birch stands was thin and mixed with mineral soil, and soil pH was highest in the birch stands. Spruce had the thickest humus layer with the lowest pH.
Keywords:Betula pendula   Carbon   Nitrogen   Soil pH   Picea abies   Pinus sylvestris
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