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Insecticidal control of hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor say: Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on wheat and barley in cyprus
Authors:P T Walker
Abstract:Hessian fly was controlled to a maximum of 95% with organophosphate insecticides, in terms of the number of puparia and percentage tiller infestation at harvest. Granules: phorate at 1.68 kg/ha (1 1/2 lb/acre) as 10% granules in the seed furrow was most effective on durum wheat in 1967–8, with 69–92%, control, of tillers infested. 1.12 kg/ha gave 74–89% control, 0.56 kg/ha in the seed furrow 35–54%. Seed furrow treatment was more effective than band or broadcast treatment over young plants, although granules broadcast over young barley at 1.68 kg/ha of phorate gave 74% control in 1967–8. Fonofos (Dyfonate) granules at 1.55 kg fonofos/ha were most effective on barley in 1968–9, with 66% control. After fonofos and phorate, disulfoton at 1.68 kg disulfoton/ha was next in effect, with up to 86%, control in 1967-8 and 24% in 1968–9, but variable and not much more effective than at 0.56 kg/ha. Other insecticides were less effective. Seed dressings: disulfoton was the most effective, giving 79% control in 1967-8 on wheat and 77% on barley at a high rate of application that was phytotoxic in 1968–9. Diazinon, bromophos and ethion gave 15–38%, control and chlorfenvinphos and dimethoate less. Carbaryl dust at 1.12 kg carbaryl/ha gave 32% control. Yields were poor, but grain yield was increased by up to 33% in wheat in 1967-8, averaging about 15%. Barley yield was increased by 7% in 1967–8, and from 9–23% in 1968-9 by fonofos and phorate granules. Insect control reduced the number of tillers, increased the number of heads and increased the grain weight per head. In observation plots, chlormequat (CCC) spray alone at the 5-leaf stage reduced infestation of wheat by between 22% and 43%, but CCC with fertilizer, and fertilizer alone had no conclusive effect. High fly populations are partly due to leaving crop residues in the field at harvest. When these can be ploughed in, infestation should decrease. The use of insecticides may not be economic unless more consistent increases in yield can be obtained.
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