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Fiber type composition of rostral and caudal portions of the digastric muscle in the dog
Authors:W J Bubb  M H Sims
Abstract:The distribution of muscle fiber types in rostral and caudal portions of the musculus digastricus (digastric muscle) was studied in 6 dogs. Staining procedures which stain specifically for type IIM fibers, a fiber type found in other muscles supplied by the trigeminal nerve, were used. Rostral and caudal portions of the muscle were compared because the rostral portion is innervated by the trigeminal nerve, and the caudal portion is innervated by the facial nerve. The musculus triceps brachii (triceps muscle), which contains fiber types I and IIA, and the musculus masseter (masseter muscle), which contains type IIM, were used as controls. Mean fiber diameters were calculated for each of the muscles. Both portions of the digastric muscle exhibited the same histochemical behavior, possessing types I and IIA myofibers. Neither portion contained type IIM fibers. Type I fibers in the masseter muscle were histochemically different from type I fibers in the other muscles studied. Type II fibers predominated in all 3 muscles, but there were significantly (P less than 0.001) more type I fibers in the triceps muscle than in either portion of the digastric muscle or in the masseter muscle. Type II fibers were significantly larger than type I fibers in the caudal digastric (P less than 0.01) and masseter (P less than 0.05) muscles. There was no difference in the size of type I or type II fibers between any of the muscles studied (P greater than 0.20).
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