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引用本文:乔龙巴图. 山茶花品种六角红在不同配比基质上的扦插试验[J]. 中国城市林业, 2012, 10(3): 59-60
基金项目:{{each article.fundPrjs fund i}} {{if fund.sourceCn && fund.sourceCn != ' }}{{fund.sourceCn}}{{if fund.awardId && fund.awardId != '}}{{fund.awardId}}{{/if}}{{else}}{{fund.fundsInfoCn}}{{/if}} {{/each}}
摘    要:对山茶花品种六角红在不同配比基质上进行扦插试验,发现插穗在不同配比基质上的成活率、生根数和根长均存在极显著差异。方差分析结果表明:1)插穗在2/3黄心土+1/3腐熟松针土配比基质上的成活率最高,达92%;生根数最多,为7.20;根长最长,达10.13 cm;2/3黄心土+1/3腐熟松最适宜用于山茶花扦插。2)1/3黄心土+1/3河沙+1/3腐熟松针土也可以作为扦插基质,插穗的成活率达到84.33%。3)插穗在1/2黄心土+1/2河沙上的成活率也达80%,但生根数较少,根系不长。4)插穗在1/2黄心土+1/2草木灰和1/3黄心土+1/3草木灰+1/3河沙这2种配比基质上成活率都很低,并且生根数少,根系生长慢,不适合用作扦插基质。  

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Cutting Experiment on Substrate with Different Ratio for Hexagonal Red, A Camellia variety
Affiliation:Qiaolong batu (Usu Forestry Bureau, Xinjiang, Usu 833000, China)
Abstract:The camellia ( Hexagon Red) cutting experiments were conducted on substrates of different ratio. It was found that the survival rate, rooting number and root length had greatly significant differences in cuttings cultivated on substrates of different ratios. The analysis of variance results showed that : 1 ) in terms of cuttings growing on the sub- strate matching the matrix 2/3 yellow soil + 1/3 rotten loose soil, the survival rate was the highest, 92% , the rooting number came to the maximum (7. 2), and the root growth was longest (10. 13cm) . This substrate was most suitable for camellia cutting growth; 2) the ratio matrix of 1/3 yellow soil + 1/3 river sand + 1/3 compost soil could be also used as cutting substrate, with the survival rate up to 84. 33% ; 3) the survival rate of cuttings on the matrix of 1/2 yellow soil + 1/2 river sand also amounted to 80%, but the rooting number and the root length were not good in re- sults; 4) as for the two ratio matrixes of 1/2 yellow soil + 1/2 plant ash as well as 1/3 yellow soil + 1/3 river sand + 1/3 plant ash, the survival rate was very low, and the rooting number was less while the root grew slow, so these two matrixes could not be used as cutting substrates.
Keywords:camellia   Hexagon Red   ratio matrix   cutting
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