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引用本文:张国静,杨伟强. 北京地区主要行道树树种适应性评价及病虫害防治[J]. 中国城市林业, 2012, 10(3): 47-50
作者姓名:张国静  杨伟强
基金项目:{{each article.fundPrjs fund i}} {{if fund.sourceCn && fund.sourceCn != ' }}{{fund.sourceCn}}{{if fund.awardId && fund.awardId != '}}{{fund.awardId}}{{/if}}{{else}}{{fund.fundsInfoCn}}{{/if}} {{/each}}
摘    要:通过2009和2010年对行道树生长情况的调查,初步总结北京地区现有十余个行道树树种的生长、生态习性、主要病虫害发生规律及防治方法;考虑极端天气的耐受能力以及应用前景,特别推荐适应性强的传统树种"杨、柳、榆、槐、椿"以及栾树、白蜡作行道树,建议减少悬铃木、银杏等适应性差的树种的使用。  

关 键 词:{{each article.keywords kw i}} {{if kw.keywordCn && kw.keywordCn != "  "  }}{{else}}{{/if}}{{@ kw.keywordCn}} {{if i != article.keywords.length - 1}}/ {{/if}}{{/each}}

Adaptability Assessment and Pest Control for Major Avenue Tree Species in Beijing
Zhang Guojing,Yang Weiqiang. Adaptability Assessment and Pest Control for Major Avenue Tree Species in Beijing[J]. Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry, 2012, 10(3): 47-50
Authors:Zhang Guojing  Yang Weiqiang
Affiliation:Beijing Zhongjibizhou Landscape Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 102209, China)
Abstract:Through the investigation of avenue tree growth in 2009 - 2010, the growth, ecological properties, and oc- currence rules of main pests and their control methods were preliminarily summarized. In view of the tolerance capaci- ty against extreme weather and the application prospect, the conventional species including Populus, Salix matsu- dana, Ulmus pumila, Sophora japonica, Ailanthus altissima, as well as additionally Koelreuteria paniculata and Fraxinus velutina, were strongly recommend as avenue trees in Beijing. It was suggested that the use of species like Platanus and Ginkgo biloba with poor adaptability should be reduced
Keywords:avenue tree   adaptability   pest
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