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A comparison of competitiveness and persistence amongst five strains of Rhizobium tripolii
Authors:A.H. Gibson  R.A. Date  J.A. Ireland  J. Brockwell
Affiliation:Division of Plant Industry, CSIRO, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia
Abstract:Five strains of Rhizohium trifolii were used to inoculate Trifolium subterraneum cv. Woogenellup sown into two soils with naturally-occurring populations of R. trifolii. In the 1st year all inoculant strains used singly were present at high frequency in the sampled nodule populations from the inoculated plots. Where an inoculant containing a mixture of equal parts of the 5 strains was used. one strain (WU95) predominated at both sites.The persistence of the strains was followed for a further 3 years at one site. Three of the strains WU95, CC2480a and WU290, were maintained at a high frequency (>75% of nodules sampled) for the entire period, but the other two strains showed poor persistence in this environment. Highly effective strains of rhizobia, not identifiable as inoculant strains, nor present in the nodule population at the first sampling, appeared during the course of the study. One strain. WU290, showed a high degree of variation in symbiotic effectiveness between single colony isolates from the stock culture and also between field isolates that were serologically identical with this strain.
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