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引用本文:木尼热 ,买买提,索银 ,图娅,阿地力 ,沙塔尔,阿洪江 ,吾斯曼. 果树种植区梨/李小食心虫性引诱剂应用技术分析[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2022, 59(4): 942-949. DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2022.04.019
作者姓名:木尼热   买买提  索银   图娅  阿地力   沙塔尔  阿洪江   吾斯曼
作者单位:1.新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院,乌鲁木齐 84300522.新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州林业与草原局,新疆阿图什 845350
摘    要:【目的】研究新疆南疆林果种植区梨/李小食心虫性信息素监测技术。【方法】试验区分别按4、8、12个/667m2的密度悬挂含有梨/李小食心虫诱芯的诱捕器,另设置3种不同类型诱捕器,在杏园不同密度、不同类型诱捕器对梨/李小食心虫的诱捕效果进行对比,对诱捕器粘虫板和诱芯更换期进行试验。【结果】诱捕器密度4、8、12个/667m2试验区杏子采摘前蛀果率分别为11.33%、7.20%、5.60%,诱捕器密度4个/667m2与8、12个/667m2之间有显著性差异。诱捕器密度8和12个/667m2个之间无显著差异。不同类型诱捕器对梨/李小食心虫的诱捕效果有明显差异。其中,盆式诱捕器对梨/李小食心虫诱捕效果最好,三角形诱捕器次之,盆式诱捕器和三角形诱捕器之间无显著差异,瓶式诱捕器的诱捕效果显著差于三角形诱捕器和盆式诱捕器。粘虫板和诱芯持效期对梨/李小食心虫诱捕效果有一定的影响。粘虫板更换期5 d和诱芯更换期10 d诱捕效果最佳。【结论】在南疆高温干旱区域杏园以性引诱剂来防治梨/李小食心虫无法达到有效控制其危害的目的。尽管盆式诱捕器诱捕效果好,但是每日需要加水,采用三角形诱捕器,粘虫板和诱芯更换期对诱捕效果影响很大,7~10 d更换1次粘虫板、30 d更换1次诱芯。

关 键 词:林果种植区  梨小食心虫  李小食心虫  诱捕器  诱芯  

Applied Technology Research into Sex Attractant for Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke in the Fruit Tree Planting Area of Southern Xinjiang
Munire Maimaiti,Suoyin Tuya,Adili Shataer,Ahongjiang Wusiman. Applied Technology Research into Sex Attractant for Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke in the Fruit Tree Planting Area of Southern Xinjiang[J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2022, 59(4): 942-949. DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2022.04.019
Authors:Munire Maimaiti  Suoyin Tuya  Adili Shataer  Ahongjiang Wusiman
Affiliation:1. College of Forestry and Horticulture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052,China2. Kezilsu Kirgiz Autonomic Prefecture Forestry and Grassland Bureau,Atushi City Xinjiang 845350, China
Abstract:【Objective】 To provide scientific basis for sex pheromone monitoring and control of Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana in fruit tree planting areas of southern Xinjiang.【Method】 Traps containing Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana and three different types of traps were hung at the density of 4 traps per 667m 2, 8 traps per 667m2and 12 traps per 667m2, respectively.The trapping effects of different densities and different types of traps on Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke were compared in apricot orchard, and the stick insect of the insect and replacement period of the trap core were also tested.【Result】 In the experimental area with 4 traps per 667m 2, 8 traps per 667m2 and 12 traps per 667m2, the fruit decay rates before picking were 11.33%, 7.20%, 5.60%, respectively, and there was significant difference in the trap densities of 4 traps per 667m2with 8 traps per 667m2 and 12 traps per 667 m2.There was no significant difference between 8 traps per 667m2 and 12 traps per 667m2.The trapping effects of different traps on the Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke were obviously different.Among them, the pot trap had the best trapping effect on the Grapholita molesta/Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke, followed by the triangle trap.There was no significant difference between the pot trap and the triangle trap.The trapping effect of the bottle trap was significantly worse than that of the triangle trap and the pot trap.Stick insect and duration of trap core had certain influence on trapping effects on Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke.The best trapping effect was found in stick insect replacement period of 5 d and trap core replacement period of 10 d.【Conclusion】 Using sexual attractant to control the Grapholita molesta and Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke in apricot orchard in arid and high temperature areas of southern Xinjiang cannot achieve the goal of effectively controlling its harm.Although the pot trap had good trapping effect, it needs to be added water every day, so it is suggested to use triangle trap.Stick insect and the replacement period of trap core have great influence on the trapping effects.It is suggested that the stick insect should be replaced once every 7 to 10 d and the trap core should be replaced once every 30 days.
Keywords:forest and fruit planting areas  Grapholita molesta   Grapholitha funebrana Treitscheke  trap  sex pheromone  
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