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杏园梅下毛瘿螨Acalitus phloeocoptes(Nalepa)发生规律
引用本文:索银 ,图娅,魏杨,吾买尔江 ,巴哈提,阿地力 ,沙塔尔,张硕. 杏园梅下毛瘿螨Acalitus phloeocoptes(Nalepa)发生规律[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2022, 59(5): 1156-1164. DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2022.05.014
作者姓名:索银   图娅  魏杨  吾买尔江   巴哈提  阿地力   沙塔尔  张硕
作者单位:1.新疆农业大学林学与风景园林学院,乌鲁木齐 8300522.新疆巴州轮台县林业和草原局,新疆轮台 841600
摘    要:【目的】研究新疆轮台县杏园芽瘿发生原因、分析梅下毛瘿螨的发生、转移、扩散规律,确定最佳防治时间。【方法】对杏芽瘿室内镜检,在田间定点、定时选取样株样枝记录危害症状、致瘿因子及田间时空动态;在新老枝条间粘贴胶带及树冠不同高度、方向、距离悬挂粘虫板的方法,记录致瘿因子的转移危害规律、传播的方式及传播距离。【结果】危害杏树芽苞,使其增生畸变成瘿瘤的是瘿螨,经鉴定系梅下毛瘿螨 Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nalepa)。在新疆轮台县该螨主要以成螨在瘿瘤芽苞幼嫩杏鳞叶片内越冬,占调查总数的95.91%;翌年3月下旬杏树开花中期,越冬成螨开始出蛰活动,4月上旬出蛰成螨开始大量产卵,4月下旬至5月上旬是梅下毛瘿螨的产卵高峰期,5月中下旬是成若螨高峰期,9月底随着气温下降,成螨为越冬做准备。梅下毛瘿螨5月上旬开始从芽苞内向外爬行转移,5月下旬是其转移高峰期。风是梅下毛瘿螨被动传播的主要媒介,帮助其远距离传播,传播距离最远可达15 m。在不同高度的粘虫板诱捕螨量存在差异:迎风面>背风面。【结论】杏芽瘿是由梅下毛瘿螨侵染引起,以成螨在瘿瘤芽苞内层越冬,在新疆轮台县3月底至9月下旬均有危害,一年发生10余代,其中4、5和6月危害较严重。5月下旬是其转移高峰期,这一阶段是化学防治的最佳时间。

关 键 词:梅下毛瘿螨  种群田间时空动态  传播方式  虫口数量  

A preliminary study on the occurrence regularity of Acalitus phloeocoptes(Nalepa) in apricot orchard
Souyin Tuya,WEI Yang,Wubuyjiang Bahati,Adil Sattar,ZHANG Shuo. A preliminary study on the occurrence regularity of Acalitus phloeocoptes(Nalepa) in apricot orchard[J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2022, 59(5): 1156-1164. DOI: 10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2022.05.014
Authors:Souyin Tuya  WEI Yang  Wubuyjiang Bahati  Adil Sattar  ZHANG Shuo
Affiliation:1. College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China2. Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Luntai County, Bazhou, Xinjiang, Luntai Xinjiang 841600, China
Abstract:【Objective】 The light ones are unable to blossom and leaf buds, and the heavy ones are dead, which has posed a serious threat to the healthy development of apricot industry in Luntai County. In view of this situation, it is urgent to clarify the causes of the gall, the occurrence, transfer and diffusion of the Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nalepa), and determine the best control time. 【Methods】 Microscopic examination was performed in the gall chamber of the apricot bud, and the damage symptoms and the dynamics of the gall factors were recorded in the field. Adhesive tape was pasted between old and new branches and armyworm boards were hung at different heights, directions and distances from tree crowns to record the transfer and harm laws, propagation modes and propagation distances of gall factors. 【Results】 Micro examination of the bud gall found the damage of the apricot bud to a gall mite, which caused the proliferation and aberration of the gall was identified as Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nalepa). the gall mite In Lutai County, Xinjiang Region, the mite mainly overwintering in gall bud young apricot scales leaves accounted for 95.91% of the total survey; In the middle of apricot blossom in late March of the next year, the overwintering adult mites began to sting, and in early April, the adult mites began to lay a large number of eggs, the oviposition peak of the gall mite was from late April to early May, the peak of adult and nymites was mid-to-late May. As temperatures dropped by the end of September, adult mites prepared for overwintering. It was observed that the gall mite began to crawl and transfer from bud to bud in early May, and the transfer peak was in late May. The results showed that wind was the main passive transmission medium of the gall mites, which helped it to spread over a long distance, with the furthest distance reaching 15 m. The amount of mites trapped by armyworm plates at different heights was different: windward side > leeward side. 【Conclusion】 The gall of apricot bud is caused by the infection of Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nalepa), and the adult mites overwinter in the inner layer of gall bud. The gall occurs from the end of March to the end of September in Luntai County, Xinjiang, with more than 10 generations occurring in a year, and the damage is more serious in April, May and June. Late May is the peak of its transfer, and this stage is the best time for chemical control.
Keywords:Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nalepa)  spatio-temporal dynamics of population in the field  mode of transmission  population number  
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