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引用本文:李怿炜,刘新平. 耕地质量主要养分空间分异特征分析及评价#br#——以新疆叶城县为例#br##br#[J]. 中国农机化学报, 2022, 43(7): 205. DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.20955553.2022.07.029
作者姓名:李怿炜  刘新平
摘    要:以新疆叶城县为研究区,选取有机质、碱解氮、有效磷以及速效钾四种主要养分,基于GIS运用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法,拟合最优半方差函数模型分析其空间分异特征并通过内梅罗指数法进行综合质量评价。得出的主要结果有:有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾的含量分别为11.68 g/kg、52.19 mg/kg、6.59 mg/kg、131.51 mg/kg,相较于第二次土壤普查,除速效钾含量降幅较大外其他三种养分含量均有不同程度提升,且各养分整体变异系数的范围在2207%~68.19%之间,均属于中等变异程度,且有效磷>碱解氮>速效钾>有机质。均呈现较强空间变异性,其中有效磷与速效钾块基比为0.08、0.06,由结构性因素主导,有机质与碱解氮块基比为0.71、0.61,由随机性因素主导。耕地土壤主要养分综合质量指数为1.73,比1982年提升0.4,整体呈优化态势。综合发现:总体呈现“缺氮、少有机质、少磷、丰钾”的格局,有机质由中部中山地带向东北呈减少趋势;碱解氮呈现出由西南、东北方向内逐渐增加;有效磷高值区表现为斑块状分散嵌入;速效钾在方向上没有较强规律性。根据叶城县的土壤母质特征注意少量多次施肥,在整体加大有机肥、磷肥、氮肥的同时根据养分含量空间分异调整区域性施肥结构,伯西克热乡等可适当增加钾肥投入,对依力克其乡等可加强防护林体系的建设与维护。

关 键 词:耕地  土壤养分  空间分异  地统计学  叶城县  

Analysis on the spatial differentiation characteristics of main nutrients in cultivated land quality: A case study of Yecheng County,Xinjiang Province
Abstract:Yecheng county is a fully irrigated agricultural area in the northwest arid region of Xinjiang. The spatial differentiation characteristics of main nutrients in cultivated soil were studied to provide a theoretical basis and practical reference for implementing the strategy of “storing grain in the land”, cultivating soil to improve grain yield, and developing regional precision agriculture. Taking Yecheng County of Xinjiang as the research area, four main nutrients, including organic matter, alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium, were selected. Based on GIS, the optimal semi variance function model was fitted to analyze their spatial differentiation characteristics by combining classical statistics with geostatistics. The comprehensive quality evaluation was carried out by the Nemerow index method. The results are as follows. The contents of organic matter, alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium were 11.68 g/kg, 52.19 mg/kg, 6.59 mg/kg, and 131.51 mg/kg, respectively. Compared with the second soil survey, the contents of the other three nutrients were increased in varying degrees except for available potassium. The variation coefficient of each nutrient ranges from 22.07% to 68.19%, which belongs to medium variation degree, and available phosphorus > alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen > available potassium > organic matter. The ratio of available phosphorus to available potassium was 0.08 and 0.06, which was dominated by structural factors. The ratio of organic matter to alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen was 0.71 and 0.61, which was dominated by random factors. The comprehensive quality index of main nutrients in cultivated soil was 1.73, which was 0.4 higher than that in 1982. The pattern of “lack of nitrogen, less organic matter, less phosphorus, and more potassium” is present. The organic matter decreases from the middle mountain area to the northeast. Alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen increased gradually from southwest to northeast. The high value area of available phosphorus showed patchy dispersion and embedment. There is no strong regularity in the direction of available potassium. According to the characteristics of soil parent material in Yecheng County, it is suggested to pay attention to the small amount of multiple fertilization, increase the organic fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, and nitrogen fertilizer as a whole, and adjust the regional fertilization structure according to the spatial differentiation of nutrient content. It is possible to appropriately increase the input of potassium fertilizer in boxikere, and strengthen the construction and maintenance of the forest protection system in yilikqi township.
Keywords:cultivated land  soil nutrients  spatial differentiation  geostatistics  Yecheng County  
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