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引用本文:魏岑,黄绍宁,范贤林,刘正文,龚建川,苑隆涛. 杀螟松防治麦蚜的研究[J]. 植物保护学报, 1987, 14(2): 137-143
作者姓名:魏岑  黄绍宁  范贤林  刘正文  龚建川  苑隆涛
摘    要:1983—1986年通过室内毒力测定比较,在20种供试农药中筛选出杀螟松对麦蚜具有很高毒力,田间试验和示范表明,小麦不同部位农药沉积量同药效呈正相关,杀螟松对小麦各部位的蚜虫均有良好防效。1985—1986年在京、冀、甘、川、豫等省示范和推广10多万亩,每亩用50%乳油30毫升,无论用高容量、低容量、超低容量或吹雾法喷雾,防效均在90%以上。杀螟松是我国正在发展的大吨位农药品种,具有防效好、药源广、成本低、对人畜安全、无残毒等优点。作者认为是值得推荐的防治麦蚜的农药品种。

Wei Cen,Huang Shaoning,Fan Xianlin,Liu Zhengwen,Gong Jianchuan and Yuan Longtao. CONTROL OF WHEAT APHIDS WITH FENITROTHION[J]. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica, 1987, 14(2): 137-143
Authors:Wei Cen  Huang Shaoning  Fan Xianlin  Liu Zhengwen  Gong Jianchuan  Yuan Longtao
Affiliation:Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS,Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS,Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS,Zhangyie Agricultural Technical School,Nanchong Plant Protection Station and Nanchong Plant Protection Station
Abstract:The high insecticidal efficacy of fenitrothion to wheat aphids(mainly Sitobion avenae(F.) and Schisaphis graminum(Rond.)) has been revealed from 20 candidate pesticides under laboratory evaluation studies conducted in 1983-1986. Promising control of aphids at different parts of wheat plant could be achieved, and the efficacies were correlated with the deposition rate of fenitrothion. A total extension area of about 7000 ha in Hebei, Gansu, Sichuan, Henan Provinces and Beijing suburb during 1985-1986 have been treated with fenitrothion to control wheat aphids, under an application rate of 0.45 1/ha(50EC) and a control efficacy of higher than 90% was achieved with whatever spray methods, such as conventional sprayer, mist blower, low volume or ultra low volume application, were used. Considering that fenitrothion is a very promising insecticide and is going to be put into quantity production, it is suggested to be a good candidate aphicide on wheat.
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