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引用本文:张莉,吴文斌,宋茜,纵兆伟,胡琼,陈迪,项铭涛,陆苗. 2000-2010年非洲耕地利用格局变化及其生态环境背景分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(6): 1144-1155. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.06.013
作者姓名:张莉  吴文斌  宋茜  纵兆伟  胡琼  陈迪  项铭涛  陆苗
作者单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/农业部农业遥感重点实验室,北京 100081
基金项目:测绘地理信息公益性行业科研专项项目 “全球地表覆盖数据分析”(201512028)
摘    要:【目的】科学探明世界第二大洲--非洲的耕地资源禀赋、准确揭示2000-2010年耕地动态变化规律和过程,服务全球粮食安全。【方法】采用全球首套30 m空间分辨率地表覆盖数据GlobeLand30 的 2000年和 2010年耕地数据产品,在不同分析指标和空间尺度上分析10年间非洲耕地利用格局的总体变化、地理差异特征及其生态环境背景。【结果】2000-2010 年,非洲耕地总面积增加了1 540.63×104 hm2,变化率为 7.42%;5个区域10年间耕地面积变化率从大到小依次是:中非(10.42%)、东非(9.49%)、西非(7.55%)、北非(6.74%)和南部非洲(4.86%);耕地面积数量增加排在前10位的国家是尼日利亚、坦桑尼亚、苏丹、肯尼亚、莫桑比克、乍得、阿尔及利亚、赞比亚、津巴布韦和布基纳法索;耕地面积数量减少排在前10位的国家是科特迪瓦、马里、安哥拉、加纳、马拉维、突尼斯、布隆迪、卢旺达、刚果(金)和南非。2010年,非洲耕地复种指数为98.11%,10年间变化率为13.54%;2010年,5个区域的复种指数从大到小依次是西非(163.75%)、中非(148.01%)、东非(76.64%)、北非(75.20%)和南部非洲(57.56%)。耕地空间格局变化区域差异明显,耕地在各经纬度带上以增加为主,以东半球和北半球面积增加较多;新增耕地主要由林地、草地和灌木地等植被类型开发利用转入,分别占转出总量的 15.19%、66.37%和 11.20%,减少耕地主要转成为林地、草地和灌木地,转出面积分别占转出总量的 21.15%、61.19%和11.78%,新增的耕地面积远大于减少的面积。从耕地变化与生态环境因子之间的关系来看,耕地增减变化主要发生在年均温度为20-30℃区域和年均降水为600-1 200 mm的区域,以及500-1 000 m高原区间和坡度小于2°的平缓地带。【结论】2000-2010年,非洲耕地面积数量和空间变化剧烈,不同区域和国家的耕地变化存在明显差异。研究结果揭示了非洲耕地空间分布及时空变化特征,不仅可为分析全球耕地空间分布格局、揭示其地域差异和时空波动规律提供重要基础参考,也可为耕地增减变化比较集中的区域的政策导向、土地产权制度调整提供科学依据,服务全球粮食安全问题解决。

关 键 词:非洲  耕地  空间格局  变化  GlobeLand30  

Changes in Africa’s Cultivated Land Use and Its Eco-Environmental Factors Over 2000-2010
ZHANG Li,WU WenBin,SONG Qian,ZONG ZhaoWei,HU Qiong,XIANG MingTao,LU Miao. Changes in Africa’s Cultivated Land Use and Its Eco-Environmental Factors Over 2000-2010[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(6): 1144-1155. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.06.013
Authors:ZHANG Li  WU WenBin  SONG Qian  ZONG ZhaoWei  HU Qiong  XIANG MingTao  LU Miao
Affiliation:Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081
Abstract:【Objective】 The objective of this study is to investigate the arable land resources of Africa, the second largest continent in the world, to accurately reveal the dynamic changes in cultivated land use and its eco-environmental factors over 2000-2010. 【Method】 The 2000 and 2010 Africa’s cultivated land layers of GlobeLand30, the world''s first global land cover datasets at a 30 m resolution, were combined to understand the area, spatial pattern and intensive use changes in cultivated land at different scales and regions. 【Result】 During 2000-2010, the total cultivated land in Africa had increased by 1 540.06×104 hm2, with a net change rate of 7.42%. At regional level, Central Africa (10.42%) had the largest change rate of cultivated land use, which was followed by East Africa (9.49%), West Africa (7.55%), North Africa (6.74%) and South Africa (4.86%). The top ten countries with largest increase of cultivated land area were: Nigeria, Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya, Mozambique, Chad, Algeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Burkina Faso, while Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Angola, Ghana, Malawi, Tunisia, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo, and South Africa were the top ten countries with largest decreased cultivated land area. The multiple cropping index was 98.11% in 2010 and its change rate was 13.54% during 2000-2010. There was obvious difference in cultivated land change across regions. In general, cultivated land increased at longitude or latitude zones, among which the Eastern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere increased most. The increased cultivated land was mainly from forest, grassland and shrub, accounting for 15.19%, 66.37% and 11.20%, respectively, while the decreased cultivated is due to the conversion from cultivated land to forest, grassland and shrub, accounting for 21.15%, 61.19% and 11.78%, respectively. The area of increased cultivated land was much larger than the decreased cultivated land. In terms of the relationships between cultivated land change and eco-environment factors, the most obvious change in cultivated land were at zones with average temperature of 20-30 ºC and an average annual precipitation of 600-1 200 mm, and zones with elevation of 500-1 000 m and slope of less than 2 degrees. 【Conclusion】 The cultivated land area as well as its spatial patterns in Africa changed significantly over 2000-2010, and there were obvious differences across regions and countries. This study has explored the change characteristics of spatio-temporal patterns of cultivated land in Africa, the results of which provides the essential information for analyzing the spatial distribution of global cultivated land and understanding the change patterns and associated differences across different regions. It can also offer scientific guidance on agricultural decision making and land ownership adjustment in regions with significant cultivated land change so as to improve its food production and to guarantee the global food security.
Keywords:Africa  cultivated land  spatial pattern  change  GlobeLand30
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