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引用本文:卢合全,代建龙,李振怀,李维江,徐士振,唐薇,张冬梅,孔祥强,罗振,辛承松,董合忠. 出苗期遇雨对不同播种方式棉花出苗及产量的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(1): 60-70. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.01.006
作者姓名:卢合全  代建龙  李振怀  李维江  徐士振  唐薇  张冬梅  孔祥强  罗振  辛承松  董合忠
作者单位:山东棉花研究中心/山东省棉花栽培生理重点实验室,济南 250100
摘    要:【目的】黄河流域棉花一般采用播后覆盖地膜、齐苗后人工放苗的传统播种方式,但人工放苗费工费时;膜上播种可以减免放苗环节,在少雨的西北内陆棉区已经广泛应用,但能否应用于黄河流域棉区取决于出苗时遇雨是否会影响棉花出苗。研究明确降雨对不同播种方式棉花出苗及产量的影响,为黄河流域棉区选择简便适用的播种方式,促进棉花轻简化生产提供参考。【方法】2014-2015年以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutium L.)品种K836为试验材料,采用裂区设计,以人工模拟降雨(0和10 mm)为主区,以露地直播(SWM)、播后覆膜(SBM)、膜上播种(SAM)和双膜覆盖(SDM)4种播种方式为裂区,在山东省临清市研究了降雨和播种方式对棉花出苗率、产量及产量构成的影响。【结果】降雨和播种方式对棉花出苗、群体干物质、叶面积指数、单位面积铃数和产量均有显著的互作效应。未遭雨时,膜上播种和双膜覆盖的出苗率、群体干物质、叶面积指数、单位面积铃数和产量与传统播后覆膜相当,露地直播则分别降低了13.6%、19.0%、13.3%、24.7%和27.7%;遭遇降雨时,膜上播种的出苗率、群体干物质、叶面积指数、单位面积铃数和产量分别降低了32.2%、43.1%、26.3%、25.8%和29.2%,露地直播分别降低了42.8%、55.8%、47.2%、35.0%和40.1%,而双膜覆盖的相关指标与传统播后覆膜相当或略好。【结论】出苗期遭遇降雨显著影响膜上播种棉花的出苗和生长,导致减产;双膜覆盖无论是否遭遇降雨都能达到播后覆膜的效果。根据当地生态条件,特别是播种期降雨概率选择适宜的播种方式是保证一播全苗、夺取高产的重要措施。

关 键 词:棉花  降雨  播种方式  出苗  产量  

Effects of Rainfall at Emergence on Stand Establishment and Yield of Cotton Under Different Seeding Patterns
LU HeQuan,DAI JianLong,LI ZhenHuai,LI WeiJiang,XU ShiZhen,TANG Wei,ZHANG DongMei,KONG XiangQiang,LUO Zhen,XIN ChengSong,DONG HeZhong. Effects of Rainfall at Emergence on Stand Establishment and Yield of Cotton Under Different Seeding Patterns[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(1): 60-70. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.01.006
Authors:LU HeQuan  DAI JianLong  LI ZhenHuai  LI WeiJiang  XU ShiZhen  TANG Wei  ZHANG DongMei  KONG XiangQiang  LUO Zhen  XIN ChengSong  DONG HeZhong
Affiliation:Cotton Research Center/Shandong Key Laboratory for Cotton Culture and Physiology, Jinan 250100
Abstract:【Objective】Plastic mulching after seeding followed by artificial freeing of seedlings from mulching at full emergence (seeding before mulching, SBM) is widely adopted in the Yellow River valley, but it is labor-intensive and costly. Plastic mulching in advance and seeding on plastic film (seeding after mulching, SAM) can remove the process of seedling freeing and has been widely applied in the drought northwest inland, but it is still unclear if it can be applied in the Yellow River valley and whether the cotton emergence rate and stand establishment will be reduced in case of rain. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of rainfall at emergence on stand establishment and yield of cotton in relation to different seeding patterns, most importantly, is to determine an easy and light planting pattern with good stand establishment and less labor consumption. 【Method】A two-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of rainfall and seeding patterns on stand establishment, leaf area index, yield and yield components. A split-plot design with three replicates was used for the study. The main plots comprised two simulated rainfalls (0 mm and 10 mm), while seeding patterns including seeding without mulching (SWM), SBM, SAM and seeding under double mulching (SDM) constituted the subplots.【Result】Significant interaction was detected between rainfall and seeding pattern on emergence rate, dry matter accumulation, leaf area index, boll density and cotton yield. Without rainfall, emergence rate, dry matter, leaf area index, boll density and yield of SAM and SDM were similar to those of SBM, but those of SWM were reduced by 13.6%, 19.0%, 13.3%, 24.7% and 27.7% relative to SBM, respectively; Under 10 mm rainfall, these parameters were decreased by 32.2%, 43.1%, 26.3%, 25.8% and 29.2% for SAM, respectively, 42.8%, 55.8%, 47.2%, 35.0% and 40.1% for SWM, respectively, relative to SBM, but all the parameters of SDM were similar to those of SBM.【Conclusion】SAM reduced stand establishment and cotton yield relative to SBM under 10 mm rainfall, but SDW exhibited comparable stand establishment and yield to SBM regardless of rainfall. Therefore, choosing a suitable seeding pattern is an important way to guarantee full stand establishment and high yield in terms of local ecological conditions, especially the rainfall probability.
Keywords:cotton  rainfall  seeding patterns  stand establishment  yield
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