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Preparation of Magnetic Activated Carbon
引用本文:朱莹,方桂珍,张世润,刘守新,程志芬. Preparation of Magnetic Activated Carbon[J]. 林业研究, 1997, 8(4): 250-253. DOI: 10.1007/BF02875016
作者姓名:朱莹  方桂珍  张世润  刘守新  程志芬
摘    要:Intr0ducti0nAsoneofanin1porta11tindustriaII11aterial-activatedcarbonI1asa111arLedcapacit}'.gia11tspcciticsurt1lce*deveIopcdporestructureandstablecI1emicaIpropc11ics.ItllaspIayedmoreand1110reimportantrolein111ctal-lurgy.medicine.boandel1vironmenttield.Bult…

Preparation of magnetic activated carbon
Zhang Shirun,Liu Shouxin,Fang Guizhen,Zhu Ying,Cheng Zhifen. Preparation of magnetic activated carbon[J]. Journal of Forestry Research, 1997, 8(4): 250-253. DOI: 10.1007/BF02875016
Authors:Zhang Shirun  Liu Shouxin  Fang Guizhen  Zhu Ying  Cheng Zhifen
Affiliation:Zhang Shirun;Liu Shouxin;Fang Guizhen;Zhu Ying(Northeast Forestry University. Harbin 150040.P.R.China)Cheng Zhifen(Harbin Institute of Technoligy)
Abstract:Based on the special molccular structure of surfactant paramagnctic material used as magnetic nucleus wascoated with two layers of surfactant inculding an inner layer and an outer layer and an outer layer Magnetic reagent can combine with activated carbon due to adsorption of hydrophilic raclical of the outer surfactant layer so activated carbon has magnetism Theeffects of magnetic reagent dosage. pH and activator upon the magnetic susceptibility of activated carbon were studied.Conceming the optimal conditions. MR-20 is the best magnetic reagent. Concentration of CaCl2 is 0.02M and pH1.8-2.4The physical properties of magnetic activated carbon vary with the types dosage and magnetizing condition of magneticreagent.
Keywords:Activated Carbon   Magnetic Nucleus. Surfactant   Magnetic Reagent   Magnetic Activated Carbon
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