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摘    要:长江上游有大小滑坡15 万处,泥石流沟1 万余条。自1990 年建立滑坡、泥石流预警系统以来,预警站( 点) 与群测群防结合,成功预报滑坡、泥石流灾害险情76 处,处理灾害险情34 处,避免直接经济损失7 000 余万元,走出了一条动态普查—宣传培训—重点监测—定点定人—预警预报—防灾减灾的群测群防成功之路,积累和总结了一系列成功经验和监测预报方法。

关 键 词:滑坡  泥石流  预警预报  成效  经验  长江上游

Disaster Alleviation Experience and Effect of Prediction System for Landslide and Debris Flow in the Upper Yangtze River
Abstract:There are 150 000 landslides of various scales and 10 000 debris flow gullies in the upper Yangtze River. Since the landslide and debris prediction system was established in 1990, 76 landslide and debris flow has been successfully forecasted and 34 has been solved through combination of predicting points with overall measurement and prevention, which resulted in averting direct economic loss of 70 million Yuan. This is leading to a successful way of people participation in measurement and prevention as: dynamic investigation—propaganda and training—fixed site and responsible person—prediction—disaster prevention and alleviation, and a lot of experiences are accumulated and summed up and monitoring and predicting methods developed.
Keywords:the upper Yangtze River landslide debris flow forecast and alert effect experience
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