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引用本文:张亮,张秋明,梁惠龙,林汇丰,姜帅. 近50年惠阳区农业热量资源变化特征分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(7): 72-77. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17040088
作者姓名:张亮  张秋明  梁惠龙  林汇丰  姜帅
基金项目:广东省气象局科学技术研究项目“基于ECMWF集合预报的暖区暴雨敏感因子分析与释用预报技术”(2015B43);惠州市气象局科学技术 研究项目“近50 年惠阳农业热量资源变化特征分析”(201646)。
摘    要:本研究依据1967—2016年惠阳区国家基本气象观测站逐日平均气温资料,运用趋势分析、M-K突变检验和小波分析指标分析了惠阳区农业热量资源变化特征。结果表明,近50年来惠阳区农业热量资源增加明显,≥10℃年积温与年平均气温的增加呈显著相关,且皆表现出明显的增加趋势,平均升高102.6℃?d/10 a和0.24℃/10 a;≥10℃的年积温日呈缓慢波动增加趋势,升高速率1.73 d/10 a;热量资源增加趋势的阶段性显著,整体表现为一种突变现象,年平均气温和≥10℃的积温突变年分别为1990年和1988年,1996年为年平均气温显著增加开始年份;≥10℃的年积温日突变呈现升降交替,2017年后还将有1次突变后增加的趋势;震荡主周期为24~32年,在10~32年时间尺度的震荡周期上,发生了3次高低交替,且≥10℃的年积温日和积温较之年平均气温震荡表现更频繁。惠阳近50年平均气温为22.1℃,≥10℃积温平均为8028.8℃?d,满足热带作物生长对热量的需求,并满足三季稻的种植。因此,对于近50年来惠阳区热量资源增加并将继续增加的趋势下,需合理评估、开发和利用热量资源,及时有效规避农业气象风险。

关 键 词:马铃薯  马铃薯  贸易  营销策略  

Variation Characteristics of Agricultural Heat Resources During 1967-2016 in Huiyang
Abstract:Based on the daily mean temperature data from Huiyang National Basic Meteorological Station from 1967 to 2016, this paper analyzed the variation characteristics of agricultural heat resources in Huiyang by trend analysis, M-K mutation test and wavelet analysis index. The results showed that: the increase of agricultural heat resources in Huiyang in recent 50 years was obvious, specifically, ≥10℃ accumulated temperature and the increase of annual mean temperature showed significant correlation, they both had an increasing trend, the growth rate were 102.6℃?d /10 a and 0.24℃/10 a, respectively; however, ≥10℃ accumulated temperature duration days were increasing slowly and fluctuated with increasing rate of 1.73 d/10 a; the increasing trend of heat resources showed obvious stage with a mutation phenomenon overall in recent 50 years, and the mutation of the annual mean temperatures and ≥10℃ accumulated temperature occurred in 1990 and 1988, respectively, the significant increase of annual mean temperature began in 1996; in addition, the mutation test result of ≥10℃ accumulated temperature days showed a rise and fall alternation trend, it also indicated that there was another rising after 2017; the primary period of periodic oscillations was 24 to 32 years, and during the oscillation cycle of the 10 to 32 years, the periodic oscillations occured 3 high and low alternations, and the oscillations of ≥10℃ accumulated temperature and days were much more frequently than that of annual mean temperature. In the past 50 years, the average temperature and ≥10℃ accumulated temperature were 22.1℃ and 8028.8℃?d, this conditions met the heat demand of the growth of tropical crops, and the triple-cropping of rice’s planting condition. Therefore, considering the increase situation and continue increasing trend of heat resources in Huiyang, it is necessary to evaluate, develop and utilize heat resources reasonably, and to avoid agricultural meteorological risks in a timely and effective manner.
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