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为在项目尺度构建土地整治农田生态系统能值分析框架,以江苏省宜兴市土地整治项目作为案例,根据设定的土地整治工程使用年限,从项目建设-使用过程和项目全生命周期2个时间维度,对土地整治工程建设对农田生态系统的影响进行了研究。结果表明:在项目建设-使用过程维度,1)项目建设期大量物料投入和电力等资源输入,导致能值投入加大,能值产出下降;2)受土地整治影响,项目建设导致农田生态系统自给能力减弱,对外界经济投入依赖度增加,净能值产出率下降,环境负载率增大,农田生态系统可持续发展能力下降;从生命全周期来看,3)由于土地整治工程的影响,各项能值指标在项目建设期出现陡增和陡降现象,随着土地整治工程竣工以及效益发挥,各项能值开始趋于平稳,并在全周期末各项指标优于土地整治前各项指标,全生命周期内预计给农田生态系统带来2.23E+19sej能值产出和60.15万美元能值-货币价值。综合而言,土地整治在项目建成后的10年内对项目区农田生态系统具有积极影响,但此后,可能将对项目区的生态环境造成了一定的压力。  相似文献   
对农垦齐齐哈尔管理局奶牛养殖小区的饲养经营模式及效益进行了调查,分析了奶牛小区建设给奶牛群带来的主要变化。通过分析不同模式奶牛小区生产经营状况,确定适合该地区奶牛业发展的奶牛小区经营模式。  相似文献   
Application of hydrophilic polymers composed of cross‐linked polyacrylate can improve soil water‐holding capacity and accelerate the restoration of post‐mining substrates. In this work, we studied the persistence of a polyacrylate polymer incorporated into a soil and its impact on plant nutrients at a reclamation site of former lignite mining in Lusatia (Germany). In contrast to autumn application, the incorporation of the polymer enhanced the sequestration of plant‐derived carbon in the soil, which was reflected by a significant increase in the concentration of a lignin marker. Attenuated total reflexion–Fourier transform infrared spectra (ATR‐FTIR) and total elemental contents in the applied polymer suggested an intensive cation exchange between the polymer framework and the soil‐forming substrate. In addition, there was an enrichment of carbonaceous material, which seems to reduce the swelling and thus the water‐holding capacity of the cross‐linked polyacrylate. Conversely, this process protected the polymer structure from rapid decomposition.  相似文献   
1990—2019年阿拉尔垦区植被覆盖时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋奇  高琪  马自强  王楠  王明玥  彭杰 《草地学报》2021,29(5):1014-1024
监测植被覆盖变化对区域生态环境评价和可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于Landsat遥感影像和相关统计数据,运用像元二分模型和重心转移模型等方法分析阿拉尔垦区1990—2019年近30年的植被覆盖时空变化特征。结果表明:1990—2019年,阿拉尔垦区平均植被覆盖面积呈增加趋势,高和极高植被覆盖区的面积呈增加趋势,差异显著,分别增加了674 km2和1 147 km2;阿拉尔垦区植被覆盖变化存在时段性和区域性差异,时段上,2005—2010年垦区西北部开始出现植被,以中覆盖类型为主,区域上,垦区西北部植被覆盖的增加趋势最显著;近30年,垦区植被覆盖重心整体向东北方向转移;气候对阿拉尔垦区植被覆盖变化有一定的影响,但人类活动影响最直接。在未来发展中应注重保护自然植被,有计划地开垦土地,合理调整垦区农业结构,科学分配水权,保证垦区生态用水,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   
以 2个示范区作为实例构建了一套对南方涝渍地实施以农业工程技术为基础的综合整治与建设后的效果进行评价的评价体系。该体系由工程效果、农业综合开发效果和综合效益等 3部分构成。在工程效果评价中 ,重点对工程实施后的抗灾减灾效果和代表经过改良后农田物理构架改变的“农田综合生产力指数 (IPI)”等二方面进行了分析。研究表明 ,该评价体系能比较全面、有重点地对涝渍地综合改良的实效做出评价。由于该体系实现了评价的数量化 ,使用该评价体系既利于对同一地区改良前后的效果做出对比分析、找出存在的问题 ,也利于对邻近不同地区的改良效果做出比较评价。对 2个示范区进行实际评价的结果表明 ,该地区的涝渍地综合整治开发效果良好 ,其第一期工程取得成功。  相似文献   
疏勒河灌区新垦盐碱地洗盐定额试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据疏勒河灌区新垦盐碱地土壤含盐量高,需采用水平明沟排水冲洗改良的实际,开展了不同冲洗定额的洗盐效果试验研究,提出了排盐地区系数经验公式与冲洗定额对数函数计算公式。根据表层土壤含盐量高的特点,提出了以0~30cm土层作为冲洗改良盐碱地脱盐控制层的准则,并制定了相应的洗盐定额。  相似文献   
Mingzhu HE 《干旱区科学》2020,12(4):701-715
In arid desert regions of northwestern China, reclamation and subsequent irrigated cultivation have become effective ways to prevent desertification, expand arable croplands, and develop sustainable agricultural production. Improvement in soil texture and fertility is crucial to high soil quality and stable crop yield. However, knowledge on the long-term effects of the conversion of desert lands into arable croplands is very limited. To address this problem, we conducted this study in an arid desert region of northwestern China to understand the changes in soil physical-chemical properties after 0, 2, 5, 10, 17, and 24 years of cultivation. Our results showed that silt and clay contents at the 17-year-old sites increased 17.5 and 152.3 folds, respectively, compared with that at the 0-year-old sites. The soil aggregate size fraction and its stability exhibited an exponential growth trend with increasing cultivation ages, but no significant change was found for the proportion of soil macroaggregates (>5.00 mm) during the 17 years of cultivation. The soil organic carbon (SOC) content at the 24-year-old sites was 6.86 g/kg and increased 8.8 folds compared with that at the 0-year-old sites. The total (or available) nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents showed significant increasing trends and reached higher values after 17 (or 24) years of cultivation. Changes in soil physical-chemical properties successively experienced slow, rapid, and stable development stages, but some key properties (such as soil aggregate stability and SOC) were still too low to meet the sustainable agricultural production. The results of this long-term study indicated that reasonable agricultural management, such as expanding no-tillage land area, returning straw to the fields, applying organic fertilizer, reducing chemical fertilizer application, and carrying out soil testing for formula fertilization, is urgently needed in arid desert regions.  相似文献   
稻田湿地生态系统的N2O还原消耗潜力对缓解大气温室气体效应具有重要意义,而滨海自然湿地围垦改造成稻田后耕层土壤的N2O还原速率及其微生物机制却鲜有报道。选取崇明岛光滩湿地为对照(WK0),比较研究不同围垦年限(19、27、51、86 a)的围垦区稻田耕作层土壤N2O还原速率演替规律及其微生物数量变异特征。结果表明,土壤总有机碳含量(TOC)随围垦年限增长而显著增加,而土壤pH值、SO42-浓度和EC值则均随围垦年限增长而呈逐渐下降趋势。土壤N2O还原速率随围垦年限增长而显著增加,其中围垦86 a稻田土壤达到25.5 μg N2O·g-1·d-1,与光滩湿地相比增加了58.4%。定量PCR结果发现,功能基因nosZ Ⅰ和nosZ Ⅱ拷贝数也随着围垦年限增长而显著增加,其中围垦86 a的稻田土壤功能基因分别为1.72×108 copies·g-1和4.36×108 copies· g-1,比光滩湿地稻田高出一个数量级。相关性分析发现土壤N2O还原速率与功能基因nosZ Ⅰ拷贝数呈显著正相关,而功能基因nosZ Ⅱ拷贝数随围垦年限的增加率远高于功能基因nosZ Ⅰ;N2O还原速率、功能基因nosZ Ⅰ、nosZ Ⅱ拷贝数与3个土壤理化指标(pH、EC、SO42-)均呈负相关。因此,围垦造田促进了滨海湿地土壤N2O还原过程,而功能基因nosZ Ⅰ数量的大幅增加是N2O还原速率增加的重要原因。  相似文献   
探索交通临时用地复垦及利用决策,可以有效衔接交通建设、粮食安全和乡村振兴三者之间的关系。以广西壮族自治区崇爱高速公路为例,综合利用多指标评价和空间分析等方法,构建基于资源、成本和效率相统筹的交通项目临时用地复垦及利用适宜性评价体系,进行临时用地利用适宜性指数测算及分级评价,从而确定交通项目临时用地的最佳利用方向和模式。结果表明:1)崇爱高速公路临时用地适宜复垦的评价单元共有11个,面积25.72 hm2;适宜恢复为原地类的评价单元共有16个,面积30.95 hm2,适宜探索其他利用方向的评价单元共有21个,面积53.54 hm2。2)本研究根据交通项目临时用地的特征差异,提出了保留建设、闲置再开发和公共设施补足等3种交通项目临时用地利用方向。实践证明以上研究符合土地整治、乡村振兴和产业用地需求实践。综上,本研究构建的交通项目临时用地复垦及利用适宜性评价体系具有综合性和实用性,可为提高用地节约集约利用效益、缓解乡村用地矛盾、助力地方乡村振兴发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
  • 1. Ariake Bay, which is located in western Japan, has a large tidal range (>6 m) and a vast tidal flat (200 km2). In the early 1990s, the government‐managed Isahaya Reclamation Project began in the western part of Ariake Bay. A 16‐km2 area of tidal flat in the inner part of Isahaya Bay was destroyed through reclamation and separated from the sea by a dyke, which created land and a freshwater reservoir.
  • 2. Since the initiation of the project, fishery yields around Isahaya Bay have dramatically decreased. The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between the work associated with the Isahaya Reclamation Project and the recent environmental deterioration in Ariake Bay, with references to present sediment thickness and organic matter content, and hypoxic water distributions in Isahaya Bay.
  • 3. The organic matter load from the reservoir has increased since the initiation of the reclamation project and has been associated with a thick layer of fine sediment at the bottom of Isahaya Bay. The thickness of fine sediment and the total organic carbon content were higher in Isahaya Bay than in the freshwater reservoir.
  • 4. Based on measurements in August 2001, hypoxic water spread widely in and around Isahaya Bay; the lowest dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (0.53 mg L?1) was observed just outside the dyke. An analysis based on a two‐layered box model using data obtained in August 2001 showed that the DO consumption rate in the bottom layer was high (0.61 mg O2 L?1 day?1), and that 22–41% of the total organic carbon load needed to induce the hypoxic water was derived from the reclamation area.
  • 5. Our findings strongly suggest that enclosed seas may suffer from eutrophic and hypoxic conditions because of their low seawater‐exchange rate. A comprehensive conservation programme and environmental assessment including physical and material transport processes in the system is needed to manage the environment of the enclosed sea.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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