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Abstract –  Factors affecting long-term variation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocking success were examined in a large lake, Lake Oulujärvi, in central Finland. Brown trout were stocked in spring (late May to early June) in 1974–1991 and in summer (late June to early July) in 1992–2001. The biomass of the vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), population (prey) at release time had the largest positive effect on stocking success within both periods: biomass of adult vendace in spring and both 0+ and adult vendace in summer. Increasing the size of stocked fish had a positive effect if the vendace available at release were only adults. The increasing trend of predator-catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) [combined CPUE of northern pike Esox lucius L., burbot Lota lota (L.), and pike-perch Stizostedion lucioperca (L.)] through the study period and its negative effect on trout stocking success suggested an increasing effect of predation within the entire time series.  相似文献   
Abstract –  The interaction between brown trout ( Salmo trutta ; fork length (FL) range 255–390 mm) and inanga ( Galaxias maculatus ; FL range 55–115 mm) was tested during summer through autumn in an artificial stream consisting of a single run-riffle-pool sequence with a natural food supply. Each experimental trial lasted for 15 days, and consisted of two brown trout and 50 inanga collected fresh from a nearby stream, with each species given prior residence in four replicate tests, totalling eight trials in all. In addition, two control trials (each 10 days), with 50 inanga in each, were run. Brown trout almost exclusively occupied the pool, whereas inanga occupied all habitat types, although in different proportions, when tested with and without brown trout. The proportion of inanga in the pool was appreciably lower in the experimental trials with brown trout than in the control trials with no brown trout; prior residence had no significant effect on inanga habitat use. Mortality of inanga attributable to predation by brown trout ranged from 0 to 40% with a mean of 14.5 ± 4.7%. The results suggest that habitat use and survival of inanga populations in small streams can be adversely affected by brown trout.  相似文献   
Factors involved in the establishment of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) seedlings in grasslands and plant mortality in the first growing season were studied during 2008–2011. The study was conducted at 11 grassland sites that differed in the quantity of seed rain and the intensity of seedling predation by slugs. In April, of each study year, 10 plots open to the sedimentation of naturally dispersed seeds were established at each site, five plots of which were also sown with 250 T. officinale seeds each. The amount of natural seed rain, slug feeding activity and number of plants in each plot were then recorded at monthly intervals. Seed rain and seedling predation accounted for c. 50% of the variation in seedling establishment. Populations of established seedlings then declined through October, at which point they were at 25% of the original abundance on average. The percentage of plants that survived varied among sites and years. The temporal and spatial variation in T. officinale establishment and survival of young plants was enormous, even within a small area. Predation of seedlings by slugs can effectively prevent the establishment of T. officinale in grassland. This only occurred, however, at slug abundances not acceptable under conditions of public access.  相似文献   
辽东栎的繁殖体及其与种群更新的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就辽东栎的种子雨及其传播动力、种子传播后的命运、种子萌发、幼苗建立、实生更新对动物捕食的适应和萌生特性等方面进行了简要综述,并对未来研究的发展方向进行了展望。辽东栎种子是多种脊椎动物和鸟类的食物资源,种子萌发和幼苗形成期间的捕食压力导致其实生更新困难,但捕食动物对种子的搬运和埋藏对辽东栎种群更新和扩散具有重要意义;光照和水分对辽东栎的种子萌发和幼苗建立都具有重要影响,在森林管理工作中,适当干扰 (例如择伐) 对辽东栎的种子萌发、幼苗生长与存活以及种群更新都是有利的。较强的萌生能力对维持辽东栎的遗传多样性和种群活力具有重要的生态学意义;在强干扰条件下,萌生作为辽东栎通过从种子、幼苗、幼树到成年植株过程中的更新瓶颈的途径,是辽东栎实现种群更新的主要对策。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The present study reports the annual variation in consumption of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius by avian predators on a rocky shore where the culture of sea urchins has been conducted. Carrion crow and a few gull species were the most abundant avian predators and consumed a large number of sea urchins. Crows consumed mostly natural sea urchins, approximately 36 kg ww/ha per year on the intertidal rocky bench, but the gull species consumed mostly cultured sea urchins, approximately 100 kg ww/ha per year in the culture area. The seasonal variation in the amount of sea urchins consumed by crows was higher than that by the gull species, presumably because of the difference in foraging behavior in association with the seasonal tidal cycle. The natural sea urchins consumed are an allochthonous input from the subtidal to the intertidal habitat, and thus, crow predation may not affect the natural and the cultured populations of the sea urchin. The gull species consumed much of the cultured sea urchin, and thus, may be regarded as an effective predator causing damage to sea urchin culture. The results suggest that further studies are needed to determine why the gull species selectively feed on cultured sea urchins.  相似文献   
使用长江中下游地区常见的麦穗鱼及大型溞作为研究对象,在避免直接摄食的情况下将麦穗鱼与大型溞在同一容器中培养,设计视觉胁迫与利它素影响的交叉实验,对照组为无视觉胁迫无利它素组、实验组分别是无视觉胁迫有利它素组、有视觉胁迫有利它素组、有视觉胁迫无利它素组,研究其对大型溞生长、体型和繁殖的影响。结果发现:无利它素组的大型溞体长增长更快;无利它素影响的大型溞壳刺生长较快,在视觉胁迫有无的实验组中表现出不同的反应,无利它素影响有视觉胁迫处理组的壳刺长度较无视觉胁迫更长;无利它素组繁殖量的均值与有利它素组相比较,高出了2.89倍,并且有利它素有视觉胁迫组的死亡速率最快。虽然生物操纵技术使枝角类的捕食者减少,但是水体中残留的鱼类利它素对水生态系统中的枝角类依旧存在抑制作用。研究表明麦穗鱼对枝角类不仅有直接摄食的压力,还可通过视觉胁迫与利它素对枝角类体型、生长和繁殖产生间接的影响。  相似文献   
鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)具有独特的捕食习性。为研究鳜捕食行为相关主要感觉——视觉和侧线感觉调控的捕食行为特征,利用高速摄像与感官抑制技术对鳜的独特捕食行为进行了分析,将实验鳜分为4组:GC(对照组,视觉与侧线感觉均具备),GV(只有视觉),GL(只有侧线感觉)和GDS(视觉、侧线感觉均不具备)4组。对各组鳜投喂饵料鱼,并利用高速摄像技术对单位时间内鳜的捕食行为进行动态观察与分析。结果表明,鳜在捕食行为中表现出5种捕食模式:直接攻击型、跟踪-弹射型、跟踪-偏移型、弹射型、偏移型,其中,直接攻击型、跟踪-弹射型、弹射型捕食模式主要由视觉控制,跟踪-偏移型、偏移型主要由侧线感觉控制。在视觉、侧线感觉均具备时优先利用视觉捕食,捕食行为趋于简化,相反,鳜仅利用侧线感觉捕食时,捕食行为变得复杂而多样;鳜在捕食时所表现出的各种捕食行为模式是其具有独特摄食习性的重要原因。上述研究为解读鳜特殊捕食行为的形成机制提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
为研究天敌对龙眼害虫的控制作用,以龙眼角颊木虱为研究对象,在实验室研究红星盘瓢虫和小毛瓢虫对龙眼角颊木虱的捕食功能反应。结果表明,2种天敌瓢虫对龙眼角颊木虱的捕食功能反应模型均属Holling Ⅱ型,对猎物的捕食量(Na)都是随着猎物密度(N)的增加而增加,而对猎物的捕食量(Na)和寻找效率(a)均随着龙眼角颊木虱虫龄的增加而降低,处理时间(Th)延长;红星盘瓢虫的寻找效率大于小毛瓢虫,处置时间则更短,在同一虫态既定猎物密度下,红星盘瓢虫的捕食量显著大于小毛瓢虫。  相似文献   
【目的】评价不同糖类物质对多异瓢虫捕食能力和飞行能力的影响,为发挥多异瓢虫的控害效能提供理论依据。【方法】在补充不同糖类营养后,室内测定多异瓢虫成虫在不同棉蚜密度条件下的捕食量,通过室内飞行磨系统测定不同处理下多异瓢虫的各项飞行参数。【结果】补充不同糖类营养后多异瓢虫成虫对棉蚜4龄若虫的捕食功能反应属于Holling-Ⅱ型。补充糖类营养后,随猎物密度逐渐增加,多异瓢虫对猎物的捕食能力增加,搜寻能力逐渐下降,与清水处理相比,葡萄糖、蔗糖处理下多异瓢虫捕食能力和搜寻能力均有提高,雌成虫日最大捕食量分别可达675.68、757.58头,雄成虫日最大捕食量可达374.53、609.76头;补充葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、棉子糖后多异瓢虫累计飞行时间及累计飞行距离均显著延长,雌成虫累计飞行时间分别为7.78、6.17、7.58、6.80和6.63 h,累计飞行距离分别为9.51、7.70、8.46、6.94、7.12 km,雄成虫累计飞行时间分别为4.69、4.99、5.17、5.09和5.20 h,累计飞行距离分别为4.53、5.41、5.28、4.72和5.52 km;多异瓢虫雌虫在补充葡萄...  相似文献   
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