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稻田赤斑黑沫蝉成虫空间分布型及抽样技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Taylar法和Iwao法测定了赤斑黑沫蝉成虫稻田空间分布型。结果表明,赤斑黑沫蝉成在稻田呈聚集分布,聚集原因是由环境因素引起的;田疃抽样以平行疆式、棋盘式两种抽样方法为佳,此外,利用分布型参数确定了理论抽样数及序贯抽样方法。  相似文献   
We investigated sunflower leaf palatability to Chlosyne lacinia saundersii Doubleday & Hewitson (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in plants treated with silicon (Si) and subjected to mechanical injury. We also examined the effects of those treatments on plant development. The experimental study was carried out as a completely randomized design, consisting of the six treatments (10 replicates each): (1) control, (2) plants mechanically injured, (3) Si applied around the plant stem (Si drench), (4) Si drench + injured, (5) Si drench + foliar spray, and (6) Si drench + foliar spray + injured. Si drench + injured significantly reduced the percentage of caterpillar-injured leaves (CIL), leaf area consumed (LAC), and caterpillar weight (CW), leading to increased caterpillar mortality. The only intrinsic plant characteristic affected by the treatments was Si content (SiC), which was higher in plants treated with either Si drench + foliar spray or Si drench + foliar spray + injured. Negative correlations were observed between SiC and the variables CIL, LAC and CW, whereas positive correlations were observed between CIL and LAC, CIL and CW, and LAC and CW. The treatment strategy of Si combined with artificial mechanical injury affects leaf palatability and development of C. lacinia saundersii, conferring resistance to sunflower plants as a function of Si accumulation, although it did not increase crop vegetative variables.  相似文献   
本文根据作者长期工作积累和文献记载,共报导河南昆虫(包括蜱螨,蜘蛛)共30目,372科,2133属,3850种。其中鳞翅目,鞘翅目,膜翅目,双翅目种类占总种类的68%;植食性种类有2300多种,肉食性昆虫1200多种,人畜寄生昆虫,吸血昆虫170多种,腐食,粪食昆虫130多种。占全国已知昆虫种类的7.7%,占全世界已知昆虫种类的0.4%。概括讨论了这些昆虫的经济意义。  相似文献   
During the development of a resistance-monitoring bioassay that uses males as the life-stage tested, the relationship of adult female and male susceptibility of Grapholita molesta to different classes of insecticides was investigated. Preliminary results indicated that more males survived diagnostic doses of azinphos-methyl than females. Additional research revealed that, although the body mass of adult male G molesta was only 69% of that of female moths (5.67 and 8.20 mg, respectively), their LC50 values were 2.6, 4.1 and 10.3 times higher than those of females for azinphosmethyl, malathion and parathion-methyl, respectively. However, female G molesta moths were more tolerant to methomyl than were male moths. There was no indication that this sex-related response occurred in G molesta larvae. The results presented here raise concerns regarding the use of pheromone traps for determining whether insecticide treatments are required and as part of resistance monitoring programs.  相似文献   
早稻穗期赤斑黑沫蝉危害损失及防治指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笼罩接虫试验表明,水稻穗期受赤斑黑沫蝉危害后造成产量损失的主要原因是水稻受害叶面积和秕谷率增加,并得出了早稻穗期产量损失(y)与每丛禾赫斑黑沫蝉数量(x)的回归方程,根据目前稻谷价格、防治费用等,导出赤斑黑沫蝉防治指为每丛禾0.23头,经大田验证,与实际基本相符。  相似文献   
此新亚属隐片纹石蛾亚属Occutanspsyche属于纹石蛾属,与侧枝纹石蛾亚属Ceratopsyche雄性外生殖结构相似,但第9节侧后突长,第10节背板有一对短肛上突,阳茎孔片隐藏于内茎鞘中或愈合成钩形骨片等可与之区别。新种产于广东南昆山,与H.hobby Mosely雄性外生殖器结构相似,但后者阳茎孔片钩状,内茎鞘腹叶完全中裂,内茎鞘突各有一背突和侧刺。  相似文献   
羽蛾科是鳞翅目中一个相对小且较为特殊的类群,全世界共记录90属1 160余种,其中我国共有140种。天津原有记录4种,本文记录了天津地区的11种羽蛾,其中7种为天津新记录,同时给出了天津地区羽蛾的检索表。  相似文献   
本文报道了河南麦田天敌昆虫138种,隶属于7个目34个科,其中82种为河南新记录。文中分别记述了这些天敌昆虫的中名、学名、寄主、成虫发生期和在河南的分布。  相似文献   
本文记述了纹石蛾科3属6新种,其中1属赫贝纹石蛾 Herbertorossia在中国首次记录.6新种为:深裂离脉纹石蛾 Hydromanicus fissus(四川峨嵋山),具沟离脉纹石蛾 Hydromanicus canaliculculatus(福建五夷山),峨眉离脉纹石蛾Hydromanicus emeiensis(四川峨眉山),广东离脉纹石蛾 Hydromanicusguangdongensis(海南岛),镘形瘤突纹石蛾 Hydatomanicus ovatus(广东五华县),方突赫贝纹石蛾 Herbertorossia quadrata(湖南郴州,香港)。  相似文献   
2022年8月在湖北神农架林区网捕或灯诱到油蛉蛄属和网翅蝉属两种蝉科昆虫,经研究发现二者为湖北神农架两个新记录物种:油蛉蛄和程氏网翅蝉。本文记述了这两个物种的鉴别特征及生物学特性。  相似文献   
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