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我国防沙治沙科研的突破口初探-以河西走廊沙区为例   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
河西走廊的防沙治沙科研在我国广大沙区具有代表性。河西走廊防沙治沙科研存在的主要问题是 :⑴宏观战略研究薄弱 ,研究缺乏系统性。主要表现在 :治沙措施散件得不到优化组合 ,其功能得不到充分发挥 ;研究客体之间互相割裂 ,缺乏从总体上控制沙漠化的研究 ;农业开发与生态资源保护的结合点问题没有解决 ;研究课题重复。⑵散件成果多属定性结论 ,缺乏操作性。运用系统科学的思想方法是治沙科技发展的突破口 :只有运用系统科学的思想方法才能科学处理生态资源保护、生态环境建设和资源开发利用三方面的关系 ,才能实现各种防沙治沙措施的优化配置 ,才能实现治理结果的持续稳定。运用现代数学方法建立沙区生态环境综合治理数学模型才能科学处理多系统的复杂关系。现代数学方法是系统科学的主要方法。运用系统科学的思想方法和现代数学方法是治沙科技发展必须达到的 ,是治沙科技发展的突破口。  相似文献   
野生与家养鹌鹑种群杂交后代遗传变异机制初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
不同种群间的杂交是丰富遗传变异最常见的手段,也是保护野生濒危物种常用的方法之一,研究杂交后群体遗传变异水平和机制对动物遗传资源保护、评价具有重要的意义。运用微卫星DNA标记对中国境内分布的野生日本鸣鹑与家鹌鹑群体及其杂交后代(F1、F2代)的遗传变异机制进行分析,结果表明:F1代鹌鹑群体每个座位平均检测出4.14个等位基因,群体多态信息含量和平均杂合度分别为0.5834和0.6265,具有比杂交亲本更高的遗传多样性水平。F2代遗传多样性有所降低,平均检测出3.57个等位基因,有4个等位基因在杂交过程中因遗传漂变而丢失;同时发现F1代、F2代与杂交亲本的遗传分化趋势不一致,F2代鹌鹑与野生日本鸣鹑遗传分化系数最大,为0.0712;而F1与之最小,仅为0.0275,表明鹌鹑杂交后代的遗传分化受分散过程的作用,主要受遗传漂变的影响。表明杂交可能是造成群体无定向分化及遗传多样性丧失的主要机制之一。  相似文献   
根据严重段塞流4个阶段的特点,针对L形立管系统不稳定流建立了一维准平衡态简化计算模型,其忽略摩阻和加速度的影响,立管中气相穿透过程应用漂移流模型。气相穿透、气液喷发阶段采用特征线方法求解,并引入气相密度偏移修正过程,能够对典型严重段塞流和液塞长度小于立管高度的过渡严重段塞流进行模拟。将模型计算结果与实验室结果以及其他文献的实验数据进行对比,结果表明模型能够对L形立管系统中的两相不稳定流动进行较准确的模拟。(图2,表3,参16)。  相似文献   
The application of pesticides is not simply delivering chemicals to the target area. It also involves considering the negative aspects and developing strategies to deal with them during the application process, to ensure the maximization of pesticides use efficiency and the maintenance of the ecosystem. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sprayers demonstrate unique advantages compared to traditional ground sprayers, particularly in terms of maneuverability and labor intensity reduction, showed great potential for chemical application in pest control. It is undeniable that there exist challenges in the practice of UAV spraying, such as higher potential risks of pesticide drift or pathogen transmission, uncertainty canopy deposition for different crops, and unexpected leaf breakage induced by downwash flow. Maximizing the utilization of downwash flow while avoiding lateral air movement outside the intended target crop area is a major issue for chemical application with UAV sprayers, particularly in light of the increasingly apparent consensus on the need for enhanced environmental protection during the chemical application process. It must be considered that the operation strategy in different scenarios and for different crop targets is not the same, unique requirements should be given on nozzle atomization, flight parameters, adjuvants and aircraft types in specific working situations. In future, the implementation of spray drift prediction, technical procedures development, and other solutions aimed at reducing pesticide drift and improving deposition quality, is expected to promote the adoption of UAV sprayers by more farmers. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
本文运用电子计算机模拟的方法,分析了影响畜禽保种的主要因素,并通过不同参数组合(包括起始基因频率、群体有效含量和世代数等)的模拟试验得出三个主要结论: 1 在有性繁殖的有限群体中,原封不动地保存群体基因库中的每个基因(包括频率很低的基因)是根本不可能的。 2 在完全实行随机交配的情况下,长期保存频率较高的基因也需要相当大的群体才有可能。 3 频率较高基因的保存也不能单纯依靠群体大小,还需借助于选择。只有这样才能在小群体内长期保存频率较高的基因。  相似文献   
为提高电子鼻长期鉴别的稳健性,提出了一种基于小波分析的电子鼻信号去漂移方法。对含漂移信号的电子鼻数据进行小波分解,获得分解系数;构造一种相对偏差阈值滤波函数对小波逼近系数进行阈值处理,获得修正的小波系数;运用小波逆变换对修正后的小波系数进行重构,得到去除漂移或少漂移的电子鼻信号。对6种白酒样本随机生成的5组样本训练集与对应的测试集进行去漂移处理与信号重构,提取去漂移处理前后的电子鼻信号积分值特征,并运用Fisher判别分析(FDA)和BP神经网络分别对5组数据集进行鉴别分析。FDA鉴别结果显示,无论是训练集还是测试集,5组样本的鉴别正确率由去漂移前的最高值45%提升至去漂移后的100%。BP神经网络鉴别结果显示,5组样本的鉴别正确率由去漂移前的最高值31.7%提升至去漂移后的98.3%。这说明所给出的去漂移方法在白酒电子鼻的鉴别中是稳健有效的。同时,也为电子鼻鉴别其他物品提供了一种可借鉴的去漂移方法。  相似文献   
植保无人机低空低量施药雾滴沉积飘移分布立体测试方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着植保无人机在中国的广泛使用,植保无人机的沉积分布均匀性与雾滴飘移流失也引起各方面的重视。目前,针对植保无人机施药雾滴沉积飘移的测试方法较少,且着重于从沉积或飘移中某一方面分析植保无人机雾滴沉积飘移规律,未对作业中全方位的雾滴的沉积飘失规律进行系统测试。该文基于国际标准ISO22866和ISO24253建了1套针对低空低量植保无人机的立体测试方法,分别在地面布置沉积和飘移收集器,在空中架设立体沉积和空中飘移收集器,结合航拍影像所获取的植保无人机准确作业参数,对4个型号植保无人机分别搭载德国Lechler公司的IDK120-015和TR80-0067喷头进行了测试,系统分析了无人机周边的总沉积以验证方法准确性,计算了总地面沉降以表征可利用部分和空中耗散以评估环境风险。结果表明,各植保无人机地面沉积率在53.6%~76.6%,地面飘移率最高17.4%,空中飘移率可高达14.7%;该测试系统可收集62.4%~101.7%无人机喷洒出的雾滴。测试的4种植保无人机在搭载IDK喷头后均明显降低了雾滴飘移,但也同时降低地面沉积率;各植保无人机在搭载2种喷头时沉积规律不同,不同植保无人机设计需要选择不同喷头。该测试方法能够有效的收集并分析植保无人机在作业区域的雾滴立体分布状态,可为植保无人机综合评估提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   
Fish eggs and larvae are often subject to very high mortality, and variation in early life survival can be important for population dynamics. Although longnose suckers (Catostomus catostomus) are widespread in northern North America, little is known about their early life history. We examined fecundity and early larval survivorship during sucker spawning events in three small Lake Michigan tributaries. Although egg deposition varied 25% among spawning events, estimated larval export to the lake varied over 25,000‐fold from around 1000 to 26 million. Based on variation in environmental conditions across years, it appears that spring flow and temperature may be important determinants of egg survival to larval outmigration. Larval age data suggest that most individuals that survived to outmigration hatched during a 2‐day period despite adult spawning across at least 10 days. Most larvae spent <2 weeks in the stream and emigrated around the time of transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding before substantial growth occurred. In two of three cases, larvae drifted exclusively at night; however, high drift rates occurred during both day and night in the case where larvae were very abundant, suggesting density‐dependent drift behaviour. Our results indicate that survival in tributary streams from egg deposition to larval export is highly variable in longnose suckers. These large differences in early life survival may translate into variability in recruitment, thereby influencing population structure and dynamics.  相似文献   
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