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The plants of field bean var. Nadwiślaνski were detopped after about 1 month since the beginning of flowering and after that all flower buds were removed from some plants. The effect of a change in the trophic balance on the setting and subsequent growth of root nodules was studied.
The removal of pods had the greater effect on the increase in the weight of the remaining organs than the detopping of plants. Detopping retarded the ageing of the plants and delayed the phase of the greatest reduction of the number of pods. The detopping of plants revealed their considerable compensative possibilities in terms of production of the pod weight and the potential of leaves for biomass production. The data obtained indicate that plant detopping may disturb the root–bacteria exchange of signals, necessary to initiate the nodule development, while the further growth of nodules depends, above all, on the amount of available photosynthates.
A very high correlation between the dry weight of the whole plant to the dry weight of leaves ratio and the weight of nodules was observed. It proves the importance of the trophic balance of the plant for the root nodule weight production.  相似文献   
早熟优质长豇豆新品种‘鄂豇豆2 号’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 ‘鄂豇豆2号’是经有性杂交选育而成的早熟蔓生豇豆新品种。该品种荚浅绿色, 长60 cm,单荚质量18~ 24 g。早熟, 荚商品性状优良, 产量高, 对光周期反应不敏感, 田间疫病、煤霉病、病毒病发病率低, 适宜于春、夏、秋各季栽培, 已在全国大部分省份推广种植成功。  相似文献   
棉籽和蓖麻籽的冷榨试验与数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨棉籽和蓖麻籽植物油料的冷榨应力-应变关系、应力-压缩比关系以及加载速率对应力-应变关系和应力-压缩比关系的影响,探讨临界压榨压力选取问题。进行了棉籽和蓖麻籽冷榨试验,采用川北方程建立双曲线型应力-应变模型和压缩比的理论计算模型。研究表明,加载速率对油料破碎应力、应变以及应力-应变关系有影响,速率越大,破碎应力和应变越大;棉籽和蓖麻籽的模拟结果与实测值比较吻合。根据压缩比变化率及其斜率曲线近似确定出棉籽和蓖麻籽工程临界压榨压力分别为70 MPa和100 MPa。  相似文献   
为探究蚯蚓粪与化肥配施对陕西关中地区红小豆产量及品质的影响,以红小豆新品种保红947为研究对象,设置T1(纯化肥)、T2(20%蚯蚓粪+80%化肥)、T3(50%蚯蚓粪+50%化肥)、T4(80%蚯蚓粪+20%化肥)和CK(不施肥)5个处理,研究了不同处理下红小豆成熟期农艺性状、产量性状及品质性状的差异.结果表明:蚯蚓...  相似文献   
Dry bean producers in Ontario, Canada, have few herbicide options available for annual broad-leaved weed management and there is little information on the tolerance of dry bean to linuron. The tolerance of black, cranberry, kidney, and white bean to the pre-emergence (PRE) application of linuron at the rates of 0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 g ai ha−1 was evaluated in field studies conducted in 2005 and 2006 at Exeter and in 2006 at Ridgetown, Ontario. The four market classes differed in their response to linuron. Cranberry and kidney bean were more tolerant to the PRE application of linuron than black and white bean. Linuron applied PRE caused as much as 12% injury in cranberry and kidney bean, 47% injury in black bean, and 56% injury in white bean. Linuron applied PRE at 500–2500 g ai ha−1 had no effect on the height of cranberry and kidney bean but decreased the height by 7, 8, and 15% in black bean and by 10, 13, and 23% in white bean at 1500, 2000, and 2500 g ai ha−1, respectively. Linuron applied PRE at the rates evaluated did not cause any adverse affect on the yield of cranberry, kidney, and white bean but black bean yield was reduced by 16% at 2500 g ai ha−1. Based on these results, there is not an adequate margin of crop safety for the PRE application of linuron in black and white bean at rates >1000 g ai ha−1. However, there is a potential for the use of linuron PRE for weed management in cranberry and kidney bean at the rates evaluated.  相似文献   
 本文报道了通过微分干涉衬显微镜、荧光显微镜及扫描电镜和透射电镜所观察到的菜豆锈菌的侵入和扩展过程。菜豆锈菌夏孢子萌发多产生1个芽管,偶尔也产生双芽管。芽管以气孔侵入为主,也可从表皮直接侵入。侵入前形成或不形成明显的附着胞。气孔侵入的芽管首先在气孔腔内形成气孔下囊,再进一步分化出圆形的膨大体,由膨大体产生1~2支初生菌丝。初生菌丝与叶肉细胞壁接触后分化出吸器母细胞,吸器母细胞进入叶肉细胞内部形成吸器。初生侵染菌丝在产生吸器母细胞的部位的后部产生分枝,形成次生侵染菌丝在叶肉细胞间蔓延。  相似文献   
在小区试验与大田生产试验条件下,采用三个种植密度(12 000株·667m-2,13 000株·667m-2,14000株·667m-2)、两个留苗方式(一穴单株,一穴双株)及三个施磷深度(10 cm,15 cm,20 cm)处理,通过裂区试验研究了高产蚕豆群体冠层结构指标及其对产量的影响,结果表明,13 000株·667m-2、15 cm施磷深度、双株三角留苗种植模式下,盛花期蚕豆群体叶面积指数、叶绿素SPAD值,主根长均维持在较高水平,冠层结构较优,产量最高,达到275.2 kg·667m-2;生产试验显示,"一穴双株"能有效提高蚕豆结荚率,提高产量,较常规栽培增产14%以上。提出以"深松增密,减穴加距,中层施磷"为主要内容的蚕豆高产栽培技术。  相似文献   
以东北油豆角腐皮镰孢菌为靶标菌,采用室内平板对峙培养和温室防效测定方法,从发病油豆角根际(围)土壤中筛选拮抗能力强的芽胞杆菌菌株,以期获得腐皮镰孢菌根腐病的生防资源。结果表明:该试验筛选到一株拮抗芽胞杆菌WJ-126,初步鉴定为贝莱斯芽胞杆菌(Bacillus velezensis),在温室人工接种条件下,该菌株对油豆角腐皮镰孢菌根腐病的相对防效可达60.92%。  相似文献   
莱豆新品种龙莱1号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
征集龙岩市莱豆地方品种13个,按照育种目标进行品种筛选、提纯、繁殖、特征特性观察与栽培技术试验,育成的莱豆新品种龙莱1号具有中熟、品质优、产量高、抗病性较强、适应性广、商品价值高等特点。该文介绍该品种从2003~2010年的选育过程及该品种主要特征特性。  相似文献   
2014年由克莱姆森大学及美国农业部(USDA-ARS)公布了一些越桔属新品种,包括蓝莓新品种33个,具体包括北高丛蓝莓10个、南高丛蓝莓14个、兔眼蓝莓7个、还有2个未知类别的蓝莓新品种;除公布蓝莓新品种外,还公布了1个蔓越桔新品种。从公布的这些数据可以看出,近年来蓝莓的的育种趋势多集中于早熟品种和晚熟品种,另外,鲜食品种多于加工品种,以及一些具有其他功能的蓝莓新品种也日益受到重视;蔓越桔品种的育种方向依然是开发大果、高产和抗病性好等优异性状的品种。通过该统计结果可知,开发具有多种优异性状的南高丛品种是蓝莓育种的大趋势,其次是北高丛蓝莓和兔眼蓝莓,这也为开发出具有我国自主知识产权的蓝莓新品种指引一定的方向。本文将主要介绍蓝莓、蔓越桔新品种以及它们的特征。  相似文献   
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