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Adsorption, incubation and soil-column experiments with bentazone [3-isopropyl-1H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide] were carried out in ten different soils from the marches surrounding the Doñana National Park (Huelva, SW Spain). Adsorption isotherms for the different soils showed a good fit with the Freundlich equation. Bentazone was poorly adsorbed in all the soils studied, with no significant relationship between theKf values and soil characteristics. A significant correlation was obtained between the soil organic matter content and the distribution constant values (Kd) calculated at an equilibrium concentration of 200 μg cm−3. The low adsorption and non-degradation of bentazone on these soils suggest that the herbicide readily percolates through soils to reach the surface and ground waters. The mobility of bentazone through three soil columns was also studied. The mass balances carried out showed that bentazone was totally eluted from the soil columns. The theoretical model applied to explain bentazone leaching under our experimental conditions seems to be suitable for soil columns with a uniform water-flow rate.  相似文献   
佳丰68S是利用"8077S"与丰两优1号杂交,然后再与蜀恢527和扬稻6号复交选育而成的携带苯达松致死基因的中籼型水稻光(温)敏核不育系.它属于无花粉类型,不育期间败育彻底,不育性稳定,其不育株率、花粉不育度和不育株率均为100%,在14.5 h长日下,不育临界温度低于23.5℃.开花习性好,容易繁殖和制种,稻米外观品质好,配合力强.利用该不育系配制的组合正在参加各级产量试验.  相似文献   
为降低稻田除草剂残留对油菜生产的风险,筛选不同除草剂耐性的油菜品种,以19个长江流域大面积应用的油菜品种为材料,选择吡嘧磺隆、丙草胺、灭草松、氰氟草酯等4种常用稻田除草剂,通过营养液纸培试验,考查发芽率及幼苗期株高、最大根长、鲜重、干重等性状,以各性状的耐除草剂系数作为衡量指标,对油菜品种进行除草剂的耐性综合评价。结果发现,在稻田除草剂胁迫下,油菜各生长指标反应因基因型而不同,差异显著。通过聚类分析筛选出与除草剂对应的耐性相对较强的油菜品种,并认为主成分分析、隶属函数法和聚类分析的方法综合评价更全面更稳定可靠。在稻-油生产模式中,建议根据水稻除草剂种类,选择对应的耐性油菜品种,降低生产风险。  相似文献   
The inhibitory action on photosystem II of four sorgoleone analogues, isolated from Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench, and two synthetic inhibitors, diuron and bentazone, was tested by measuring oxygen evolution of thylakoid membranes. The inhibition of oxygen evolution for mixtures of inhibitors was compared with the Additive Dose Model (ADM). ADM assumes that, at a defined response level, the effect of a mixture of inhibitors can be unambiguously expressed by the potency of either of the inhibitors applied separately. The slope of the logistic dose-response curves differed between the inhibitors; sorgoleone analogues had the steepest and bentazone the shallowest slope. The difference in slopes makes the interpretation of the isoboles less general and may reflect the differences in the interaction between the natural and the synthetic inhibitors with the binding site. The results suggest that there may be some limitation to ADM, namely that compounds with the same site of action might have different response curves if their mechanism of binding is different. The joint action of inhibitors follows ADM at I50 . Therefore, the inhibitors can replace each other in any mixture ratio, based on the relative potencies of the pure inhibitors, without changing each other's effect on oxygen evolution. The joint action at I20 and I80 sometimes diverged from ADM. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
This study has determined the uptake of three pesticides, applied as commercial or model formulations in the presence of a wide range of surfactants, into the leaves of three plant species (bentazone into Chenopodium album L. and Sinapis alba L., epoxiconazole and pyraclostrobin into Triticum aestivum L.). The results have confirmed previous findings that the initial dose (nmol mm(-2)) of xenobiotic applied to plant foliage is a strong, positive determinant of uptake. This held true for all the pesticide formulations studied, although surfactant concentration was found to have an effect. The lower surfactant concentrations studied showed an inferior relationship between the amount of xenobiotic applied and uptake. High molecular mass surfactants also produced much lower uptake than expected from the dose uptake equations in specific situations.  相似文献   
30%氟·精·灭EC是三元复配具有内吸及触杀作用的新型春大豆田苗后除草混剂。在大豆1~2片复叶期,一年生禾本科杂草3~5叶期,阔叶杂草2~4叶期,商品剂量为80~100 mL/667 m2(有效成分用量360~450 g/hm2)进行茎叶均匀喷雾,对大豆生长安全,药后30 d对杂草的总株防效及鲜重防效均大于94%,相比单剂具有较好的杀草谱互补、提高防效的优点,可达到一次用药同时防除大豆田一年生禾本科及阔叶杂草的效果。  相似文献   
Time effect on bentazone sorption and degradation in soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous sorption/desorption batch experiments have indicated that bentazone is weakly sorbed by soils. In addition, field experiments have shown that 4% of the bentazone sprayed can be leached to drainage water. In order to complete bentazone characterisation, we have assessed the effect of time on its behaviour in contrasting soils. In laboratory studies, bentazone was added to three topsoils (sandy, loamy and clay soils). Bentazone degradation, sorption/desorption kinetics and isotherm measurements were carried out at different times. At 160 days after treatment, bentazone mineralisation amounts varied from 2.1% (sandy soil) to 14% (clay soil). The extractable amounts became lower (from 97% after treatment to 12% after 160 days for the clay soil) and a greater number of desorption series was needed to obtain these products. Nevertheless, at the end of the experiments, a small amount of bentazone was still extracted by water. At the same time, bound residues of bentazone reached 65% in clay soil. Statistical analysis indicated effects of both residence time and soil type on bentazone behaviour.  相似文献   
A suite of dose-response bioassays with white mustard (Sinapis alba L) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L) in the greenhouse and with three herbicides was used to analyse how the fluorescence induction curves (Kautsky curves) were affected by the herbicides. Bentazone, a photosystem II (PSII) inhibitor, completely blocked the normal fluorescence decay after the P-step. In contrast, fluorescence decay was still obvious for flurochloridone, a PDS inhibitor, and glyphosate, an EPSP inhibitor, which indicated that PSII inhibition was incomplete. From the numerous parameters that can be derived from OJIP-steps of the Kautsky curve the relative changes at the J-step [Fvj = (Fm - Fj)/Fm] was selected to be a common response parameter for the herbicides and yielded consistent dose-response relationships. Four hours after treatment, the response Fvj on the doses of bentazone and flurochloridone could be measured. For glyphosate, the changes of the Kautsky curve could similarly be detected 4 h after treatment in sugar beet, but only after 24 hs in S alba. The best prediction of biomass in relation to Fvj was found for bentazone. The experiments were conducted between May and August 2002 and showed that the ambient temperature and solar radiation in the greenhouse could affect dose-response relationships. If the Kautsky curve parameters should be used to predict the outcome of herbicide screening experiments in the greenhouse, where ambient radiation and temperature can only partly be controlled, it is imperative that the chosen fluorescence parameters can be used to predict accurately the resulting biomass used in classical bioassays.  相似文献   
除草剂单用与混用对土壤微生物活性的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
在实验室条件下,通过观测投加农药土壤中的细菌、真菌数和土壤呼吸强度的变化,研究了灭草松、莠去津、灭草松 莠去津及灭草松 莠去津 表面活性剂对土壤微生物活性的影响。结果表明,莠去津、灭草松在10倍推荐用量下会使土壤细菌数略有减小,真菌数略有增加,细菌/真菌数之比减小;莠去津 灭草松与他们单用时对土壤呼吸的影响无显著差别,但添加表面活性剂后,土壤呼吸增强且持续时间延长。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The composition and properties of a biomixture used in a biobed are decisive for pesticide sorption and degradation. This study was performed to investigate the capability of compost‐based substrates in mixtures with citrus peel and vine branch straw and peat‐based substrates in mixtures with soil and vine branch straw at different levels in order to degrade isoproturon and bentazone. RESULTS: Dissipation and mineralisation rates of both pesticides were determined, and metabolic activity was followed as respiration. Compost‐based substrates showed faster pesticide dissipation in the presence of lignocellulosic materials, as in garden compost and vine branch straw. The increasing content of vine branch straw in peat‐based substrates does not seem to affect dissipation of the parent compounds. Low mineralisation rate was observed in all treatments. CONCLUSION: Higher pesticide degradation was observed in the lignocellulosic substrates, probably because of the development of lignin‐degrading microorganisms which have shown to be robust and are able to degrade recalcitrant pesticides. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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