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实蝇科昆虫种类繁多、危害巨大、入侵能力强,倍受植物检疫与入侵生物学领域的关注。转录组代表细胞或组织内全部的RNA转录本,反映特定状态下的基因表达模式。而依赖于高通量测序技术所衍生出的转录组测序给实蝇等非模式生物的研究带来了机遇。本文在检索实蝇科昆虫转录组序列数据和文献报道的基础上,针对实蝇科昆虫转录组的测序现状和初步应用进行了分析和总结,涉及重要经济实蝇的种类鉴定、基础生理、滞育、配子形成和交配生殖、解毒机制及防治和非编码RNA共6个方面。同时,提出了加强重要经济实蝇转录组研究的3个展望:一是加强结构基因组学和功能基因组学方面的多组学结合研究;二是开展microRNA(miRNA)等非编码RNA功能方面的探索研究;三是探索第三代测序技术的应用研究。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) represent a major biosecurity threat to the horticulture sector of New Zealand, which is entirely free of these invasive pests. A nationwide surveillance programme is conducted to ensure any incursion is detected as early as possible. A review of the lure dispensers used is reported here. RESULTS: Lure dispenser emission trials found that the currently used lure plugs release lure more slowly under New Zealand subtropical to temperate climates than wafer dispensers. Subsequent trapping experiments at high altitude in Hawaii (as a mimic of New Zealand meteorological and expected fruit fly ecological conditions) compared Lynfield traps baited with the existing lure plug dispensers and newer wafer dispensers. Catches of wild Oriental fruit flies, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), were 9.5-fold higher with methyl eugenol wafers than with the plugs. Recaptures of sterile melon flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet), were 2.6-fold higher with cuelure wafers than with the plugs. Recaptures of sterile Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata Weid., were not significantly higher with trimedlure wafers than with the plugs.CONCLUSIONS: Release rate and trapping experiments found new lure dispensers differed in release rate characteristics from existing dispensers under temperate and subtropical conditions, and indicated some potential for improvement in surveillance efficacy.  相似文献   
In Reunion Island, tephritid fruit flies are the main pests of fruit and vegetable crops, causing severe yield losses. Instead of the curative approach to reducing populations, this study focused on a particular sanitation technique, which forms the basis of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in this context, using a tent-like structure called an “augmentorium” the aim of which is to contribute to controlling these pests. This structure sequesters adult flies emerging from infested fruit while allowing the parasitoids to escape, via a net placed at the top of the structure. The size of four nets was tested in the laboratory in order to include the most effective one in an augmentorium prototype adapted to the conditions of Reunion Island. The mesh finally selected (hole area 3.00 mm2) proved to be perfectly effective with 100% sequestration of adult flies (Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera cucurbitae, Bactrocera zonata). In addition, 100% of the parasitoids (Fopius arisanus and Psyttalia fletcheri) were able to escape from the cage through the mesh if they chose to do so. Farmers were enthusiastic about using the augmentorium prototype. Implications for the use of this technique in Reunion Island are discussed.  相似文献   
橘小实蝇个体食量测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
橘小实蝇在有选择取食的情况下更倾向于倒挂取食,在无选择性取食的情况下位置对取食无影响(P>0.05).橘小实蝇对染料的排空试验结果表明,甲酚红和荧光素钠在4 h内即可到达后肠,通过染料J-管技术测得橘小实蝇取食量在2 h内就能达到最大,所以在测定橘小实蝇食量时饲喂时间以2 h为宜.染料J-管技术测定结果表明:3日龄和6日龄雌雄橘小实蝇2 h内个体食量分别为(4.0412±0.3348)、(3.4409±0.1132)、(5.6543±0.2852)、(4.6808±0.2654)g.  相似文献   
实蝇类害虫是世界性检疫害虫,对福建省农作物造成为害的主要包含橘小实蝇、南亚寡鬃实蝇、瓜实蝇、具条实蝇4种。这4种实蝇类害虫给福建省水果、蔬菜带来较为严重的经济损失,并且由于防治过程中农药的使用,造成生态环境问题。本研究选取实蝇类害虫为害较为严重的福建省主要水果和蔬菜作为研究对象,从直接经济损失、防治费用和间接经济损失3个层面建立评估模型,并对2016年4种实蝇类害虫造成的经济损失进行评估,旨在通过评估经济损失情况,为今后防治政策的制定提供思路。研究结果显示,这4种实蝇类害虫对福建省造成的经济损失约为313.48亿元,其中直接经济损失约为221.74亿元,防治费用约为84.24亿元,间接经济损失约为7.5亿元。最后,本研究提出了重视有害生物灾情评估、完善经济损失评价方法,开展农户专业培训、提升防控技术水平,加强环境规制力度、发展绿色生态农业等政策建议。  相似文献   
实蝇科昆虫种类繁多, 全球广泛分布, 其中诸多种类可直接为害果蔬, 造成巨大经济损失, 是国际检疫性或入侵性害虫。实蝇主要通过成虫产卵和幼虫取食来为害寄主植物, 实蝇与寄主植物之间的相互作用包括实蝇对寄主的选择以及实蝇对寄主的响应。本文综述了实蝇科昆虫对寄主植物的选择, 包括对不同寄主植物种类、寄主植物不同部位和寄主植物不同品种的选择; 以及对寄主植物的响应包括对寄主植物的生长发育响应, 对寄主植物的行为响应。同时总结了实蝇的化学感受器官、化学感受基因及抗性相关基因在实蝇对寄主植物选择和响应中的作用, 以期为深入了解实蝇科昆虫对寄主植物的选择和响应机制以及研发实蝇类害虫防治技术提供参考。  相似文献   
In nature, oviposition and larval growth of the olive fruit flyBactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) occur only in the mesocarp of fruits of the genusOlea, including the cultivated olive. Here we report on its growth in tomatoes, in the laboratory, as affected by a number of factors. Caged flies from a colony reared for more than 100 generations on an artificial diet, oviposited in intact fruits of four tomato cultivars in an unheated greenhouse and in the open. In choice tests, at 25°C, 16L:8D and 65% r.h., medium (5–6 cm diam) and large (>6 cm diam) fruits received more eggs than small (3–4 cm diam) fruits, but differences were not significant in all cases. In all cultivars, more eggs were laid in greenhouse than in open-air tomatoes of three different degrees of maturity, the differences being significant in most cases. The smaller the resistance of a cultivar’s epicarp to penetration by flat ended 0.2 and 1 mm square probes, the greater the number of eggs a cultivar received. Green (unripe) fruits proved unsuitable for larval growth. Half-ripe and fully ripe (red) fruits of cvs. ‘Isidro’, ‘204’, ‘Tobo’ and ‘Ace’ yielded pupae of acceptable weight (mean 5.6 to 6.7 mg) with a high percentage of adult emergence, yet the yield was considerably lower than that of olive fruit. Fully ripe greenhouse Isidro tomatoes yielded an average of 3.2 adults per fruit and 20.4% of the eggs laid developed into adults, whereas the other categories and cultivars yielded less. The mean percentages of pupae over eggs were higher in fully ripe Isidro and 204 fruits, than in half-ripe Tobo and Ace ones. The mean time from oviposition to pupation ranged from 16.2 to 25 days, depending on the cultivar and degree of fruit maturity. In fully ripe Isidro and 204 fruits, the fewer the eggs laid per fruit, the higher the percent yield in pupae and the longer the time from oviposition to pupation. Greenhouse fully ripe fruits of cv. 204 maintained under a low light intensity of 50 lux gave a much lower yield in pupae and slower larval growth than under 1600 lux. The usefulness of tomatoes as substitutes of artificial diets in rearing the fly is discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 20, 2005.  相似文献   
实蝇是危害水果和蔬菜的一类重要害虫,进行种类调查对于其检疫和防治具有重要意义。用多种诱剂、粘板在广东省的湛江、惠州、韶关、梅州4个市的10个调查点定点调查;将诱捕的实蝇带回实验室进行形态学鉴定,并统计每种实蝇的数量。4个地区共诱捕到实蝇11种,发生数量较多的有橘小实蝇[Bactrocera dorsalis(hendel)]、瓜实蝇[Bactrocera(Zeugodacus)cucurbitae(Coquillellett)]、南瓜实蝇[Bactrocera(Zeugodacus)tau(Walker)]、具条实蝇[Bactrocera(Zeugodacus)scutellata(Hendel)]、辣椒实蝇[Bactrocera(Bactrocera)latifrons(Hendel)]。在韶关、惠州共捕获到4头合腹寡毛实蝇属(Dacus)实蝇,初步鉴定为三点棍腹实蝇[Dacus(Callantra)trimacula(Wang)],为广东省首次报道,调查结果显示:从发生区域和数量上看,橘小实蝇均是广东省实蝇的优势种,其次是瓜实蝇;南瓜实蝇在调查区域均有发生,具条实蝇主要分布在广东北部的韶关、梅州地区。此调查有助于对广东实蝇害虫发生情况的了解。  相似文献   
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