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The biochemical mechanisms of warfarin resistance in the house mouse (Mus musculus L.) have not been fully investigated. In some populations of warfarin-resistant mice there is a reduction in sensitivity of hepatic vitamin K-epoxide reductase to inhibition by warfarin. This is similar to a proposed mechanism of anticoagulant resistance in the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus Berk.). The same enzyme in other warfarin-resistant populations is, however, sensitive to warfarin inhibition. Other studies have indicated that detoxification may play a role in conferring warfarin resistance in house mice.  相似文献   
南疆农区鼠害严重,但基础资料不足。为摸清当地鼠害发生特点,提供有效治理依据,本研究于2018年-2019年在南疆5地州39乡64村开展实地与问卷调查,并采用夹捕法调查害鼠种群构成。结果表明,南疆5地州农村普遍遭受鼠害影响,喀什与和田地区农田受害比例达89.4%,问卷结果表明农户和农田鼠害发生率均大于75%,且西部地区重于东部,约一半受访农户估计每年因鼠害损失超过500元。褐家鼠Rattus norvegicus是农户主要害鼠,占比超过70%;农田则以小家鼠Mus musculus和乌拉尔姬鼠Apodemus uralensis为主。这些结果表明,南疆农区鼠害处于重发态势,褐家鼠是主要鼠害来源,并有外来入侵风险。下一步应聚焦于监测主要害鼠种群动态规律,阐明褐家鼠来源和侵入机制,并探索建立适于当地的害鼠防治模式。  相似文献   
为了解0.2%莪术醇饵剂在新疆干旱半干旱农田应用的可行性,2022年4月至7月, 在新疆博州温泉县进行了该药防治害鼠试验。施药在3个试验点(即3个重复)进行, 在害鼠繁殖高峰期前施药, 投放药饵后30、60 d和90 d调查防控效果。结果显示:3个试验区域的结果趋势相似, 校正灭效基本维持在50%以上。与空白对照区相比, 优势鼠种灰仓鼠与根田鼠试验投饵区的雌鼠怀孕率明显下降, 小家鼠、灰仓鼠平均胎仔数明显降低, 小家鼠、灰仓鼠和根田鼠施药区域的鼠类个体的亚成体比例与对照区域明显下降, 说明该药剂对当地害鼠的繁殖具有明显的控制作用, 可达到控制害鼠数量的目的, 适口性也较好, 可以在当地推广应用。  相似文献   
采用微波消解-原子荧光法对广东竹丝鸡肉中有毒有害元素砷的含量进行抽样检测分析。结果表明:该方法检出限为0.067μg/L,回收率为95.7%~101.2%;竹丝鸡肉中砷的检出率为100%,平均残留量为0.041 mg/kg,符合我国无公害畜禽肉中砷的限量标准,并达到了我国绿色食品中砷限量标准。  相似文献   
Two methyl anthranilate formulations, ReJex‐iT® TP‐40 and AG‐36, were tested as bird‐repelling agents for animal feed and vegetable sprouts, respectively. Feral pigeons (Columba livia) and house sparrows (Passer domesticus) are important pests of animal husbandry and field crops in Israel. In each 4‐day experiment, four birds were held together in an aviary, and were offered four trays or dishes with animal feed or cauliflower sprouts in four corners of the cage. The trays and dishes were transposed daily in a Latin square sequence. Pigeons consumed significantly more untreated feed than treated feed. When no alternative untreated food was offered, there was no significant repellency. Treatment of animal feed with TP‐40 to give 2.0 ml methyl anthranilate kg?1 or less had no repellent effect on sparrows. Concentrations of 4.0 ml kg?1 or more repelled the sparrows significantly. When no untreated feed was presented, pigeons and sparrows preferred the lowest concentration of methyl anthranilate presented. When AG‐36 was tested on vegetable sprouts, the sparrows tended significantly to avoid the highest concentration used—14.5 ml methyl anthranilate litre?1 spray. The inter‐specific differences between the birds indicate that the efficacy of methyl anthranilate formulations as a repellent has to be specified for every species. This study did not determine (1) the possibility of developing habituation, (2) the behaviour of birds under natural conditions in the field, or (3) the influence of the feeding behaviour of a sympatric bird species on the repellency of methyl anthranilate to other species. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
House mice Mus musculus have successfully colonized many temperate and sub-Antarctic islands that are the location for breeding colonies of millions of seabirds. Unlike other introduced mammals, the impact of house mice on seabirds and endemic birds is believed to have been negligible. The breeding ecology of seabirds breeding on Gough Island, central South Atlantic Ocean, was studied for the first time during September 2000 to September 2001. Breeding success of the endangered Tristan albatross Diomedea (exulans) dabbenena and endangered Atlantic Petrel Pterodroma incerta were 27.3 and 19.9% respectively. Mortality of large Tristan albatross and Atlantic petrel chicks was observed, and the pattern of wounds and observations of feeding indicate that introduced mice were responsible for this predation. Breeding numbers of the endemic Gough bunting Rowettia goughensis are mostly found in upland areas of Gough Island where mice are scarce and are restricted to inaccessible cliffs in the lowlands where mice are abundant. This pattern, together with the high predation rates of artificial-eggs in lowland habitats in comparison to the uplands, strongly suggests that mice constrain the distribution of Gough buntings. The results of this study provide the first evidence for the role of house mice as a significant predator of endangered and endemic birds. Further research is required to determine if the observed levels of mice predation are a regular occurrence.  相似文献   
对2005年1~12月在贵州省息烽县鼠情监测点捕获的258只小家鼠标本,以胴体重为指标,参照繁殖状况,用胴体重频次分配方法将小家鼠划分为4个年龄组,其划分标准为,幼年组(Ⅰ):胴体重≤6.49 g;亚成年组(Ⅱ):6.50~9.99 g;成年组(Ⅲ):10.00~13.49 g;老年组(Ⅳ):≥13.50 g。不同年龄组繁殖力差异显著,胴体重随种群年龄的增长而不断增加,各年龄组胴体重与体重、体长、尾长均呈正相关性,且与体重相关性达极显著。研究认为,采用胴体重划分小家鼠年龄是可行的,方法简便,易于操作。  相似文献   
收集了62种从东南亚进口的不同树种的木材,并作为截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotrmes domestictis(Haviland)的食料,让其原始繁殖蚁自行配对钻人这些木料中取食,建立新群体。观察该种白蚁对不同树种木材的取食状况,了解不同树种木材对该种白蚁初建群体的影响。结果表明,该种白蚁食性广泛,能取食多种在分类上差异很大的木材,除坤甸外,均被其取食。试验用的全部木材对该种白蚁原始繁殖蚁配对没有影响,均有原始繁殖蚁配对钻人洞内。在配对3个月后解剖群体发现,除坤甸、樟木、硬榄仁、柚木、子京、虫眼木、暗罗、硬椴、轻胭脂、胭脂、番龙眼外,其余树种的初建群体,雌雄繁殖蚁存活,子代发育正常。  相似文献   
黄帚橐吾(Ligularia virgaurea)是一种在甘南草原上广泛分布的毒杂草,但同时其乙醇提取物有很强的生物农药活性,具备开发成为生物农药的潜力。本研究通过昆明小鼠(Mus musculus)的经皮、经口急性毒性试验对黄帚橐吾乙醇提取物的安全性进行评估。结果显示,黄帚橐吾乙醇提取物对小鼠的经皮急性毒性半致死剂量LD5030g·kg-1,经口急性毒性LD50为6.983 1g·kg-1,均符合低毒农药登记的毒性标准,可以按照低毒农药进行开发应用。  相似文献   
[目的]研究新疆地区小家鼠控制区的序列多样性。[方法]对14只来自新疆于田、和丰和乌鲁木齐的小家鼠个体进行基因组DNA提取,控制区PCR扩增和序列测定,并分析其遗传多样性,构建系统进化树。[结果]14只小家鼠基因组大小均在20000bp以上;小家鼠控制区序列中A、T、G、C的平均含量分别为:T:29.0%;C:25.2%;A:33.9%;G:11.9%,个体间碱基组成几乎无差别;14只小家鼠个体与M.m.musculus的亲缘关系较近,在系统进化树中共享1个分支,且该分支中2225、2228和2226具有相同的支长,2242和2243具有相同的支长,2249、2247和2251具有相同的支长。[结论]供试14只新疆小家鼠个体属于M.m.musculus亚种。  相似文献   
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