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Toxicity effects and field persistence of the insect growth regulators lufenuron, flufenoxuron and triflumuron were assessed in the laboratory using second and fourth larval instars of Spodoptera littoralis. Laboratory bioassays indicated that lufenuron was more effective on both 2nd and 4th larval instars, as well as killing both larval instars faster than flufenoxuron or triflumuron. Field-laboratory experiments were conducted to show direct and residual effects of the tested IGRs in terms of toxicity and stability. They indicated that all the tested insecticides were stable under field conditions and give high percentages of mortality. Overall, lufenuron was more efficient than the other tested insecticides. In addition, it gave a faster kill in some testing periods. Data presented in this work show greater efficiency of lufenuron in controlling S. littoralis than flufenoxuron or triflumuron. Using this insecticide for cotton leafworm control in cotton fields may give better results under field condition.  相似文献   
Field efficacies of two insect growth regulators (IGRs) at two recommended application rates, buprofezin at 370 and 555 g AI ha(-1) and lufenuron at 37 and 49 g AI ha(-1), were determined against the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), and the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), in experimental plots of cotton at the Directorate of Cotton Research, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Adverse effects of the IGRs on populations of associated arthropod predators, namely geocorids, chrysopids, coccinellids, formicids and arachnids, were also assessed. Both IGRs significantly reduced populations of B. tabaci at each application rate 24, 48 and 72 h after treatment, and higher doses were more effective than lower doses. Buprofezin was not effective against H. armigera at any tested dose for any time of treatment in any spray. Lufenuron applied at 37 and 49 g AI ha(-1) effectively suppressed H. armigera populations, resulting in significant reductions in crop damage. At lower doses, both IGRs appeared safe to predator populations, which did not differ significantly in IGR-treated versus untreated control plots. Population densities of formicids and coccinellids were significantly lower at high concentrations of both IGRs in treatment plots, possibly as a result of reduced prey availability. The potential role of buprofezin and lufenuron for control of B. tabaci and H. armigera in a spray programme and the likelihood of direct toxic effects of IGRs on predatory fauna of cotton are discussed.  相似文献   
为了筛选适于草坪害虫斜纹夜蛾(Prodenia litura)防治的绿色农药,采用浸叶法测定比较了5个不同化学类别共20种绿色杀虫剂对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫的室内活性。结果表明,7种常用农用拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的杀虫效果不及常规有机磷农药毒死蜱,而2种新型拟除虫菊酯四氟醚菊酯和四氟苯菊酯的杀虫效果相当或优于毒死蜱;苯甲酰脲类药剂虱螨脲、氟啶脲和氟铃脲,双酰肼类虫酰肼,杂环类茚虫威和虫螨腈,以及生物源类杀虫剂甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐7种药剂对斜纹夜蛾的活性高,均符合绿色无公害农药的基本要求,是值得进一步试验开发用于草坪斜纹夜蛾等夜蛾类害虫防治的候选药剂。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Chemical control is a major strategy for suppressing the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker). Owing to their high toxicity and increasing resistance development in the target insect, many insecticides will be phased out entirely in 2007 in China. Alternatives with relatively low toxicity are urgently needed to replace traditional chemicals for rice stem borer control. In this study, the authors examined four field populations of C. suppressalis for their toxicological responses to more than 20 insecticides, including a few low-toxicity organophosphates and many novel pesticides. Interpopulation resistance levels to 12 conventional insecticides were also compared. RESULTS: Based on LD(50) values, the rice stem borer was most sensitive to avermectins and fipronil (LD(50) < 1 ng larva(-1)). The stem borers exhibited the least sensitivity to endosulfan (LD(50) > 100 ng larva(-1)) and monosultap (LD(50) > 1000 ng larva(-1)). Insect growth regulators and chitin synthase inhibitors showed great efficacy against C. suppressalis, especially against populations that had developed resistance to conventional insecticides. Four field populations showed variable tolerance levels to many insecticides. LYG05 was the most susceptible population, only with a low level of resistance to monosultap (RR = 6.6). NC05 and GL05 populations exhibited intermediate tolerance levels with RR values up to 20.4 and 52.8 respectively. RA05 was the most resistant population to many insecticides, with resistance ratios up to 76.2. CONCLUSION: The results from this study provide valuable information for selection and adoption of new alternative insecticides and for resistance management of the rice stem borer.  相似文献   
吡丙醚和烯虫酯对嗜卷书虱控制作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用饲料混毒法系统测定了吡丙醚和烯虫酯两种昆虫生长调节剂(IGRs)对重要的储藏物害虫嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel若虫和成虫的致死作用,对若虫发育情况、成虫繁殖力和卵孵化率的影响。结果表明,以吡丙醚和烯虫酯10 mg/kg的混毒饲料饲喂嗜卷书虱2龄幼虫49 d后,若虫的死亡率分别为80.00%和31.11%;取食20、10和5 mg/kg吡丙醚的若虫最长存活天数分别为71.0、98.2和116.4 d,而对照仅11.3 d即全部羽化为成虫;取食20 mg/kg以下烯虫酯混毒饲料的若虫一部分仍可羽化成成虫,而且成虫仍可繁殖后代;取食吡丙醚混毒饲料的若虫,60 d后存活下来的若虫大多以超龄若虫的形式存在,而取食烯虫酯的若虫则很少出现超龄若虫。成虫取食烯虫酯(200 mg/kg)和吡丙醚(40 mg/kg)混毒饲料后7 d,死亡率分别为26.67%和23.33%,成虫产卵量分别是对照的39.77%和26.13%,产卵后15 d,卵的孵化率分别是65.71%和8.69%,而对照仅为93.18%。该项研究表明,采用40 mg/kg吡丙醚和200 mg/kg的烯虫酯对嗜卷书虱虫口数量有明显的控制作用。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Studies were carried out to evaluate the effects of Manilkara subsericea extracts and triterpenes on the development of two species of agricultural pest insects, Oncopelus fasciatus and Dysdercus peruvianus. RESULTS: All treatments of insects with M. subsericea extracts induced mortality, delayed development and inhibited moulting. Some extracts assayed (FH, FB and FD in D. peruvianus, and FH, FB and FEA in O. fasciatus) also produced body deformities in the few adults that emerged. Other extracts (FH, FEA, FB, FD and LET in both insects), however, induced either permanent (overaged) or extranumerary nymphs, both of which were unable to achieve the adult stage and reproductive status. The insects were also treated with triterpenes (α‐ and β‐amyrin acetates) which showed high lethality at 30 days after treatment and delayed the intermoult period so that overaged nymphs were detected. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that extracts and triterpenes from Manilkara subsericea act as potent growth inhibitors of phytophagous hemipteran nymphs. It is also concluded that the mixture of several different molecules in the extracts used produces synergic effects that do not occur after using the triterpenes (PFT) alone. These secondary metabolites in the M. subsericea extracts can potentially be used in integrated control programmes against crop pests. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The effectiveness of buprofezin (aqueous suspensions from 25% wettable powder) on cumulative nymph mortality and reproduction of two homopterous pests,Icerya purchasi Maskell (Margarodidae) andPlanococcus citri (Risso) (Pseudococcidae), was investigated under laboratory conditions. Buprofezin was very effective against crawlers of both species. Dipping in concentrations of 0.002%, 0.01% and 0.05% (a. i.) resulted in 91–99% nymph mortality ofP. citri, whereas 100% mortality was recorded whenI. purchasi was treated at 0.05% (a. i.); the 3rd-instar nymphs ofI. purchasi were less susceptible to the chemical. Death of the larval stages occurred mainly during the molting process to the 2nd-instar nymphs. At 0.05%, buprofezin sprayed on adults slightly reduced fecundity and decreased egg hatch to 31% forI. purchasi and, depending on the exposure period of the females, to 49-7% forP. citri. Buprofezin at 0.05% exhibited strong ovicidal activity onP. citri, resulting in inhibition of over 80% egg hatch.  相似文献   
A whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii) resistance crisis climaxed in 1995 in Arizona cotton and prompted the development of an integrated resistance management strategy adapted from a program implemented in Israel in 1987. The strategy incorporated two new major elements: once-per-year use of the insect growth regulators (IGRs) pyriproxyfen and buprofezin, and measures to delay use of pyrethroids for as long into the growing season as possible. A three-stage chemical use recommendation was formulated comprising IGRs (Stage I), other non-pyrethroid insecticides (Stage II), and synergized pyrethroid insecticides (Stage III). Results from use of the strategy in the 1996 season were very promising. Insecticide use for control of whiteflies was reduced substantially. State-wide monitoring of whitefly susceptibility revealed significant reductions in resistance to synergized pyrethroids as well as increased susceptibility to amitraz. Susceptibility of Lygus bugs to key insecticides changed correspondingly with increases and decreases in whitefly resistance from 1994 through 1996. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   
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