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柱孢属(Cylindrocarpon)真菌和参类锈腐病的研究历史与现状   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
柱孢属(Cylindrocarpon)真菌是引致人参和西洋参锈腐病的重要病原菌。根据国内外相关献和目前生产现状,综述了引起参类锈腐病的柱孢属真菌的分布与危害、形态与分类、致病性和寄主范围、病原生物学特性、发病规律及防治等方面的研究历史与现状、并对该属真菌今后的研究方向进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   
Control of black foot disease in grapevine nurseries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Black foot disease of grapevines is a decline and dieback disease caused by a soilborne pathogen complex including Cylindrocarpon liriodendri , C. macrodidymum , Campylocarpon fasciculare and Campyl. pseudofasciculare . These pathogens cause primary infections of roots and basal ends of grafted cuttings in nursery soils. Thirteen fungicides were screened in vitro for mycelial inhibition of these pathogens. Prochloraz manganese chloride, benomyl, flusilazole and imazalil were the most effective fungicides tested, and were subsequently included in semi-commercial field trials. Basal ends of grafted cuttings were dipped in various chemical and biological treatments prior to planting in open-rooted nurseries. Black foot pathogens were not isolated from grafted cuttings prior to planting. Additional treatments involved soil amendments with Trichoderma formulations and hot water treatment of dormant nursery grapevines. Field trials were evaluated after eight months. Isolations from uprooted plants revealed low levels of black foot pathogens in the roots of untreated control plants, and significantly higher levels in basal ends of rootstocks. The incidence of black foot pathogens, as well as that of Petri disease pathogens, was not significantly and/or consistently reduced by the majority of chemical or biological treatments. However, these pathogens were not isolated from uprooted plants that were subjected to hot water treatment. It is therefore recommended that hot water treatment of dormant nursery plants be included in an integrated strategy for the proactive management of these diseases in grapevine nurseries.  相似文献   
The common rhizospheric fungus Cylindrocarpon destructans was investigated in relation to its role in root death of Pinus sylvestris in Nordic nurseries and plantations. Laboratory methods were developed for studying similar root problems as well as the early effects of phytotoxicity and fungal infection. Seedlings grown under standardized optimal conditions were exposed to controlled stress (known to occur in nurseries), with or without C. destructans in the rhizosphere. Low light conditions, anaerobic root environment, and fungicide treatment were each found to predispose pine seedlings to invasion by the pathogen. The pathogen was very sensitive to competition as well as antagonism on the root, and fungicide‐induced inhibition of antagonists such as Trichoderma spp. also increased the severity of attack by the pathogen. To compete successfully, the pathogen would have to invade and dominate weakened roots prior to the arrival of saprophytes. Toxic metabolites produced by the pathogen weakened or killed nearby root tissues, and pathogen metabolites seemed to prevent saprophytes from taking hold in the infected roots. Such heavily infected, dead roots may act as inoculum sources allowing the pathogen to invade adjacent living roots, even healthy ones. Dead roots left in nursery soil after earlier harvests may act as reservoirs of inoculum for long periods and pose a threat to new plants.  相似文献   
哈茨木霉菌Tri41对人参锈腐病菌的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是人参的生产和销售大国,近年来农药残留问题严重影响我国人参出口,研究生物菌剂代替化学菌剂防治人参病害已成为人参安全生产的主要环节。试验研究了哈茨木霉菌Tri41(Trichoderma harzianum Tri41)对人参锈腐菌(Cylindrocarpon destructans)的抑制作用。结果表明:哈茨木霉菌Tri41对锈腐菌的抑制作用受温度影响,25℃条件下,菌株Tri41对人参锈腐菌的抑制率高达80.1%,20℃条件下抑制率降低9.7%;菌株Tri41的挥发性代谢物和难挥发代谢物对人参锈腐菌的抑制率分别为57.3%和48.0%;菌株Tri41发酵液对锈腐菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发均有一定的抑制作用。初步明确了哈茨木霉菌Tri41对人参锈腐菌的拮抗机理以竞争和抗生作用为主。  相似文献   
测试了有机硫熏蒸剂大扫灭(Dazomet)对三七(Panax notoginsengWall.)根围几种主要病原生物:线虫、细菌和真菌的最低灭生浓度(MBC值)分别为≥7.8、≥31.2和≥125μg/mL。4种主要病原真菌:立枯病丝核菌(Rhizoctoni solani)、根腐病菌毁坏柱孢霉(Cylindrocarpon destructant)、镰孢霉(Fusariumspp.)和黑斑病交链孢(Alternaria tenus)的MBC值分别为≥31.2、≥62.5、≥125和≥125μg/mL。钾-威百(K-Vapam)对线虫、细菌和病原真菌的灭生活性与Dazomet相当。连作三七田播种前和移苗前用98%大扫灭粉粒剂20~40 g/m2和35%钾-威百液剂30~50 mL/m2进行耕作层土壤熏蒸处理,对三七出苗和成苗率无显著影响;杂草和线虫发生量比对照分别减少90%~95%。播前处理比对照苗病发生率降低45.0%~82.5%,移苗前处理苗病发生率降低35.0%~50.0%。适当充足的土壤含水量、适时彻底的土壤毒气排除对提高药效和避免残毒对后茬药害至关重要。  相似文献   
人参锈腐病菌拮抗放线菌JY36发酵条件研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对人参锈腐病拮抗放线菌JY36的发酵条件进行研究,确定了其最佳培养基组成及培养条件。单因素试验和正交试验结果表明,最佳斜面固体培养基为3号培养基,最佳种子培养基为4号培养基,最佳发酵培养基为6号培养基。最适发酵时间为120 h,最适发酵培养温度为30℃,最适初始pH值为7。  相似文献   
本文报道油桐枯枝病菌——油桐丛赤壳(Nectria aleuritidia Chen et Zhang)的无性时期,属半知菌亚门,丝孢纲、丛梗孢目、丛梗孢科、柱孢属的一新种,命名为油桐柱孢(Cylindrocarpon aleuritum sp.nov.)  相似文献   
During European canker monitoring in an apple experimental orchard, 14 mummified fruit (two and three trees with 10 and four positive records in 2018 and 2019, respectively) showed perithecia. Perithecium production on apple fruit, confirmation of pathogenicity of Neonectria ditissima isolated from mummified fruit, and ascospore release from fruit tissues has rarely been reported, and their role in the epidemiology of European canker has been largely overlooked. Thus, the objectives of our study were to (a) prove the presence of both conidia and ascospores of N. ditissima in mummified fruit in an experimental field, confirming pathogenesis in different apple cultivars, and (b) monitor production of the two types of inoculum in infected apple fruit over time. Canker incidence in this orchard was 47% of trees with symptoms in 2018 and 48% in 2019. Molecular and morphological tests confirmed that the fungus detected in the mummified apple fruit was N. ditissima. Apple fruit with sporodochia and perithecia washed immediately after collection from the orchard showed conidia but no ascospores of N. ditissima. However, after 4 days’ incubation, perithecia on mummified fruit showed many ascospore cirri. Koch's postulates were fulfilled on apple plants and mature fruit. Fruit inoculated with N. ditissima released spores for over a year under Brazilian field conditions. The release of both spore types peaked in May (Brazilian leaf fall) and October (spring); release of conidia also peaked in February (early harvest). These results support our hypothesis that fruit can serve as primary inoculum for European canker in Brazilian apple orchards.  相似文献   
皂苷被认为是植物抵抗病原真菌侵袭的防御物质,具有抗真菌活性.许多成功侵染植物的真菌通过产生皂苷解毒酶水解皂苷糖链上的糖残基,解除皂苷的毒性.本文研究了人参锈腐病菌毁灭柱孢菌Cylindrocarpon destructans和非人参病原菌构巢曲霉菌Aspergillus nidulans降解人参皂苷的能力.结果显示,毁灭柱孢菌能够产生胞外糖苷酶,水解二醇型人参皂苷Rb1、Rb2、Rc和Rd的C-3位和C-20位末端单糖,产生四种主要产物:绞股蓝皂苷XVII(G-XVII)、C-O、Mb和人参皂苷F2,而构巢曲霉菌只能将人参皂苷Rb1降解为Rd,不能降解其它的人参皂苷.这些结果说明,人参皂苷降解酶在毁灭柱孢菌的致病过程中可能发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   
三七连作田根腐病复合症综合治理措施与效果   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以土壤熏蒸剂、枯草芽孢杆菌、选择性杀菌剂复配剂处理种苗和根围土壤为主要方法,对连作田三七根腐病复合症进行了综合治理试验。结果表明:(1)大扫灭(98%含量,30~40 g/m2剂量)、钾-威百(35%含量,40~60 g/m2剂量)和氰氨化钙(60~90 g/m2剂量)对三七连茬病土进行熏蒸处理后,真菌、杂草、细菌和线虫灭生效果达90%~99%,1年生与2年生三七成苗率显著提高,生长季前期3个月内根腐病复合症发病率明显降低,其中大扫灭灭生效果突出。(2)土壤熏蒸后,用G3菌剂(枯草芽孢杆菌)与单杀菌剂农利灵、噻菌灵和扑海因组合播前拌种和移苗前沾根处理,其中以菌剂与农利灵组合最好,噻菌灵和扑海因组合次之。枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌剂(2×1010/cfu/g用量3 kg/100 m2)单独施用,在田间温度低于15℃条件下无明显防效。(3)熏蒸 G3 化学杀菌剂复配剂1或2播种前拌种和移栽前沾根处理组合试验防效最好。  相似文献   
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